Unexpected Troubles

1471 Words

Mark's POV I walk into Sternpoint because there are things that I need to get. In two weeks time, Gray has to go for her scan. I am still hoping that everything is okay but so far her bleeding has been stopping on its own. I walk down the hall to my office, I get the nods of greetings and smiles of my employees. I unlock my office and I enter, walking to my desk. "Oh, just the person I wanted to speak to." I look up to see Barbara walking closer to my desk. I continue to put documents together that I take out of my desk drawer. "What can I help you with?" I ask. "I want to set up a meeting with you, I got new ideas for the entertainment department. If I can have a meeting today with you, then I can get my work done quicker." I look at her and she smiles. Women like her reminds me of

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