Stormy Weather

1411 Words

Gray's POV I go back to the sofa and just calm down. I hope that Mrs Stern won't show up here again. I lay down with the blanket over me. I take a deep breath, my cramps are subsiding. This is a reminder that I have to be careful. I don't even know if I should inform Mark that his mother was here because he will lose it. He would be pissed off and I hate it when he is in that mood. I don't need the stress so I will inform him another time. I rub my belly which is not showing yet. It is my way of letting the baby know that everything is okay. It begins to rain, the wind is picking up too. I get up from the sofa and I close all of the windows in the house. I walk to the kitchen and I check out of the floor to ceiling window if everything is in place in the yard. It is pouring so much, th

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