My Painful Past

2089 Words

I wake up with the light shining through the window. I feel warmth over me. I look to my side to see Mark sleeping peacefully. He is lying on his stomach, and his arm is draped over me. I can hear the heavy breathing as he sleeps. I take time to study his face. I hope that Mark will stay for the rest of the day because it is the weekend. He stirs a bit and mumbles in distress. I place my hand on his arm. He must be dreaming. His arm tightens over me and it's like I can't breathe. I try to move his arm but it's no use. I shake him and he loosens his tight hold on me as he wakes up. He is breathing heavily. My heart is beating fast. He looks at me with wide eyes, and then he sits up straight with his head in his hands. "Are you okay?" I ask as I move closer to him. "Just a bad dream" h

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