
1462 Words

I get home, exhausted. I still can't believe that I finally slept with Mark, he does return my feelings. It feels like a dream come true. Well, my dreams came true. I feel good, where there is a spring in my step, it feels like I'm floating. I go to my bedroom, I place my phone and bag onto my bed. I'm in need of a shower, a warm one. So I take my time, all I can think about is Mark and how amazing my first time was. Although it was painful, there was pleasure too. I want that again. After my shower, I put on a t-shirt and red boyleg panties. This is usually what I wear to bed or when I'm alone with nothing to do. When my dad is home, I wear comfortable shorts. My stomach growls, and I remember that we didn't have anything to eat yesterday. I must be a shitty assistant. I type a quic

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