The Talk

1802 Words

Mark's POV Gray walks away from me and I am standing in the middle of the sidewalk in daylight, afraid to leave her alone. I decide not to go back to the office. Gray might need me in case anything happens, but I'm afraid if anything happens to the baby. I know that she is hurt and angry, she isn't thinking straight at the moment, not even about the baby. I'm about to follow after her at a distance. "Mark, are you back at the office?" Anthony stops me, he is the new partner for the entertainment department at Sternpoint. "Not yet, I was just dropping off things." I say as I look down the street, but she is gone. I really need to find her. I'm impatient. "I would like to talk to you about what I have in mind for the company, so if we can set up a meeting then that will be great. I k

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