When it hurts

1572 Words

Mark's POV Gray and I arrive at home, she is happy to be able to get back to work and to be doing a bit of more things. But I will keep an eye on her. I would prefer for her to at least work from home, but I guess I can keep an eye on her at the office because she doesn't want to feel stuck in a house. I get her tab from the study room where I left it in the desk drawer. I find Gray in our bedroom and I hand the tab over to her. "You are allowing me to start working?" she asks with so much excitement as she takes the tab from me. I smile in return, I just want to see her happy. "Yes." "Thank you." she says as she hugs me. I kiss the top of her head and she pulls away. She beams with the light of her smile as she looks at her tab. "I'm going to Sternpoint to drop off a few things.

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