2. Blood Clan

1975 Words
Chapter 2 Blood ClanImperator Dregu sat on his throne, a mixture of both boredom and anger on his face. He’d been listening to his first Lieutenant and other ‘advisers’ rattle on about this problem, or that problem, not paying attention but growing increasingly angry at his position. Dregu had become king of the nations because he lusted for power and c*****e. He achieved his current position as leader by an intricate plan of deception. Dregu had a blood lust unrivaled. He had slain hundreds, if not thousands of opponents in battle and in the arena. But he was also an excellent tactician. Dregu’s scheme to displace the king was brilliant. He set about various events to make the former King look bad among his people. The crowning grace was the murder of the previous king’s wife. Three days later one of the king’s mistresses admitted to the killing, saying it was by order of the king. Fidelity is not one of the Orc’s strong points, but conspiring to kill your wife using one of your concubines, and most importantly, getting caught, was, even by Orcish standards, a bad decision. The King’s dead wife was Dregu’s sister, so he had no choice but to defend her by challenging the King to the arena, the result being cleaving the head of his predecessor from his shoulders. Of course, all of this, killing his sister and such, was Dregu’s doing. Dregu stops at nothing to rise to glory, even if it means killing his own family. He thought by becoming the supreme commander of the Blood Clan he could satisfy his lust for power and battle. But he had become nothing more than a bureaucrat. This was no way for an Orc of Dregu's power to spend his days, solving squabbles among those lesser than he. He commanded the largest army in Xenkur, half a million strong, aggressive warriors, and yet he spent each day slumped in his throne listening to his advisers. His counselors had great skill in droning on about this and that too where all he wanted now was for Grummish to come and drag him to Hades. Born in blood and raised in battle, Lord Dregu was in his heart a warrior. Dregu wanted to be back in combat. He dreamed about days where he would wade through acres of dwarves slicing limb from limb or hanging elves from their sacred trees only to slice them from crotch to chin. He craved for battle the way children crave for sweets. He longed to taste the blood of his enemies and he would not find it in this dismal place. He remembered his days as a child running through the green fields near what the humans call Blackwater River, hacking and slashing, killing at will. He remembered his beautiful village with bones adorning all the hovels, the sun shining off the jewels encrusted in the skulls of the village’s victims. That is, until the day of the elves came. They came by the thousands; they came with those sickening humans and godless gnomes. They drove his people back further south into the Wastelands. Humans had christened this place the Scar. The accursed elves called it “Tithlin Ilisti” translated “The Monsters Den.” It is a huge canyon carved deep into the ground in the Southwest of Xenkur. The Scar is full of caverns and tunnels that run deep underground. A river sick and gray courses through the center of the Scar; the river runs so foul even an Orcs won’t drink the water. This is a desolate place where nothing lives and little grows. See, the Wastelands are hell on Xenkur. The Wastelands are parched much like a desert. The soil is full of potash making it impossible to grow crops. Most of the water in the Wastelands is a sickly red color tainted with iron and sulfur, making it undrinkable. Spikes and quills cover what vegetation grows. Spikes large enough to pierce leather armor, most of the plants are poisonous to even to an Orc stomach. Temperatures rise over one hundred degrees and the heat lasts most of the year. Rainfall is almost nonexistent in the Wastelands and a constant wind blows. It often blows so hard even the large Ogres can’t keep their footing. The nomad tribes roaming the Wastelands call it “Akik bakar” or the devil’s breath. During the first years, many Orcs and the congregation that followed died of lack of food, bad water, and the savage heat before they found the Scar and its lifesaving caves. The caves and caverns that make up the Scar were a gift from Grummish for the Orcs and their comrades. The various caverns which traveled as much as a league underground gave much-needed rest from the sweltering heat. The caves also had pools of clean, clear water and there was a fungus that grew on some of the cave walls that was not only edible but to an Orcs pallet tasty. The caves, however, were not without their challenges, but nothing the Blood Clan couldn’t handle. Before the Orcs arrived the caves were home to various fauna. These caverns were filled with a large bat type creature. Humans called them Cloakers because they would hang from the ceilings of the caves and they looked like a black leathery cloak. Cloakers had no formal society. They were just individual animals living in the caverns so their eradication came quickly at the hands of the Orcs. The one real hurdle lived in what is now Lord Dregus Castle. It was an Eye Tyrant. It was a nasty floating spherical aberration with a large central eye, gaping mouth, and these stalks grew out of its head. At the end of each stalk was another smaller eye. Eye Tyrants are brutal nasty creatures who can wield magic and believe all other creatures are inferior. After defeating the Eye Tyrant life became easy and boring for the Blood Clan. The Blood Clan has been here an endless amount of time, eking out a living on what little they could find. It comes as no surprise the Blood Clan sends out raiding parties to attack the various nomad tribes that scattered the area. “I would die in combat rather than set another day in this hole,” thought Dregu. He tired of this life. It had been months since he had seen battle and even longer since he had killed anything with his bare hands. “Enough!” Dregu shouted, slamming his huge fist so hard on his throne the bones of the seat cracked and creaked. “Send me the Seer.” Orcs and goblins quickly set about finding the King’s Seer. Everyone knew that you didn’t keep Dregu waiting. Dregu had no qualms about relieving you of various body parts if he became dissatisfied with your performance. No one questioned the King’s authority and for good reason. You see Dregu was no ordinary Orc. Your average Orc only stood about 5 feet tall and maybe weighed two hundred pounds. Orcs were typically short, stout, and muscular. Dregu was something different. He stood nearly six and a half feet tall, and he weighed three hundred pounds. But none of that was fat. It was all sinew and muscle. He was so strong he could wield a two-headed battle-axe in one hand. Dregu was massive, far beyond anything anyone had ever seen. And to get on Dregu's bad side meant you were leaving his company with blood dripping from somewhere. It took a great number of servants to find Xomath, the Seer. Dregu's castle deep inside the Scar was vast with an uncountable number of rooms and chambers and antechambers. All the rooms were lined with bones and skulls of enemies and those who displeased him in one form or another. The king had no need of all of these rooms; in fact, he had not been in most of them. Lord Dregu has but three places he visits in his massive castle: the throne room, once a serene place to brood, his beloved map room; if not in either of these he would be with one of his many harlots in his bedchamber. ✼✼✼✼ Xomath made his way from his scrying chamber through the vast underground caverns that were Lord Dregu’s Castle. He hurried along as quickly as he could for he knew not to leave Lord Dregu waiting. The King’s Seer was meek by Orc standards, but, he had unparalleled scrying and divining skills. Xomath had been adviser even before Lord Dregu became king of the tribes known as the Orcan Nations. The Orcan Nations was a generalization. Orcs composed only one race that made the Scar its home. The vast canyon was also home to many races considered not worthy to live among the green fields and cool crystal rivers of the humans and the elves. These included goblins, hobgoblins, kobolds, bugbears, ogres, and even the occasional human or outcast dark elf. Orcs are not the strongest, most dominant race living in the Scar. However, they do hold the majority and that’s what prevented stronger, more aggressive races such as hobgoblins and bugbears from taking over. As Xomath made his way through the maze that is Castle Dregu he thought lovingly about his job as a Seer. Poking and prodding the lives of others without them knowing it brought a thrill to the Seer’s heart. The part of his task he found least pleasurable was dealing with Lord Dregu's unpredictable and abusive nature. His cruelty was well-known, even to those servants, he needed to keep his kingdom running smoothly. Xomath was no exception to this abuse. Many times Lord Dregu had injured Xomath simply because he didn’t get the answer he wanted. The King’s Seer was now careful how he answered Dregu’s questions. Xomath made his way across the great Halls towards the map room where he knew Lord Dregu impatiently waited. Two of Lord Dregu’s personal sentries fittingly called the Blood Guard flanked the closed map room doors. They were tall, broad Orcs dressed in plate armor and stained with the blood of previous conquests. It's Orcan tradition to not wash your armor or weapons, but to leave them battle hardened. So it’s common to see warrior’s armor stained with blood and weapons that still contain bits of skin and hair. Trying not to betray his fear of Dregu, Xomath entered the map room, head bowed, eyes down. “I am here as you sought, great Lord Dregu.” It had been some time since Xomath had seen the map room. He had forgotten just how enormous was the chamber. Shelves lined the walls from floor to ceiling. Each shelf filled with all manners of maps, from small maps you carry in a pouch or on a person to maps that would take four or more servants to open. There were maps made from just last season by the King’s mapmakers with help from the various raiding parties sent into the Wastelands. And maps made long before the Devastation that his ancestors held or stole from other races. There were brightly colored maps from the elves, underground maps from the dwarves, maps that listed human settlements and Lord Dregu’s prized possessions, the exquisitely detailed maps that gnomes create. Lord Dregu was fond of the gnomish maps. Gnomes had painstakingly created the most detailed of maps. The gnomish maps included all types of settlements. They took expert care to list waterways even down to the smallest stream. The maps even pointed out which way the river flowed and whether the water was drinkable. In the center of the room, a stone table that fed at least thirty rested. There were no chairs in the room. When you were in the presence of Lord Dregu you stood. Dregu was in the center of the room at the huge table covered in an equally enormous map, a map of the entire continent of Xenkur. Dregu stood before the map resting his hands. He leaned his massive body forward with such force you could hear his fingers crack. Cold eyes pierced into the Seer. “Xomath, I have need of your skills.”
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