
Catching her breath as she looks at him with her cold blooded eyes.

another world

Catching her breath as she looks at him with her cold blooded eyes. "I'll slice your f*****g throat and feed your organs to those hideous devils if you get killed, understand?"

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WHILE cleaning the sheath of my sword a bundle of folders was suddenly slammed on my high-price office table. "Do you want me to cut your f****d-up face in half, Lei?" I asked without throwing him a look. "Sorry not sorry, you're only the sovereign in front of the Legions" he answered. This dickhead should thank his entire bloodline that we're friends or else he's been dead long ago. I carefully put down the sheath on my side before glancing at the person sitting before me. "Today is Sunday" i casually said. "I know. Today is Sunday which is Legion's rest day" Lei said while nodding. "You do know what Sunday means, so what the f**k is this?" I pointed the folders. "Well, his majesty personally appointed me to observe our new cadets and dig on their personal profiles" he explained I opened one of the folders with T01 tag on it and saw a bunch of detailed personal information of the cadets "How come his majesty didn't summon me instead?" I asked before putting down the folder He raised his head from resting and blinked twice before smiling. "Because the Hikura's sovereign needs a rest" I raised my eyebrow at him. His majesty, the king of Hikura, a country that survived for a long time ever since this apocalypse began. "Rest from what?" "You see, the E-sphere already took a lot of damage due to the itoph's rampage 6 months ago and the royal family is wary that the E-sphere might get destroyed if another type of arthema throws a few punches to it" "And is that somehow connected why his majesty wants me to rest?" I annoyingly repeat "Yeah of course" he teasingly wiggles his brows I carefully grab my sword beside me before repeating my question "Why would i need to rest?" "Ahem" "Say it, Lei" "Because we are about to prevent another tragedy from happening"

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