Under pressure

1195 Words
The ray of sun shone in Kyle's eyes as he sat up quickly, he looked around and spotted Felix standing a little further from where he was as he was staring far into the endless desert. He hears a silent sound from beside him and when he looks sideways he spots Kelvin as he sits up slowly shifting his gaze to Saul and Gilbert who were both lying beside each other with the small child in-between them. “Wake up guys, we have to keep moving,?” Felix said as he walked back towards them. Kyle looks forward at him while he approaches as Saul and Gilbert wakes up. “We have to keep moving guys, we are not so far now,” Felix said as Kyle and the others stood on their feet, while Gilbert carried the boy in his arms. Few minutes later they were still on their way heading for the city. Gilbert and Saul were at the front with the little boy while Kelvin, Felix and Kyle were a little behind. Kyle thought about the book he read earlier, the one he saw Karen reading before they entered the woods which was about the dragon. He supposed if the dragon was something which had been in existence and he Is currently In the past then Felix and his friends should have a little clue of what it is PR if something like it was true. “Do you know of the existence of dragons?” Kyle asked as he shifted his gaze to Felix. “Huh.. That creature, well only a fool will believe in its existence,” he replies pathetically. “Why do you say so? I heard they are written In the legends, so they must have existed In some way,” Kyle looks forward again. “The legend has it scripted that they existed, but as much as I can tell, they are fantasies, fables and ridiculous blabbing which were being told to us when we were kids, and many of us tend to believe,” “If you don’t believe IN their existence why then will you believe In the existence of whatever you call Thracians,” Kyle asked still with his gaze forward. Felix squints his eyebrows as he looks slightly at Kyle. “Well that is because I have encountered one before,” he replied as Kyle looked at him. “I only believe what I see,” he further adds as they keep moving forwards. “If you have seen one before, how did you escape it?” Kyle asks again. “It was my father who saved me from its deadly strike. Then I was only ten years old when I and my father left home, we went to have some time alone in a riverbank and while we were there I told him that I wanted to have a swim so he allowed me go in due to the fact that he knew I was a talented swimmer.” He hesitates with a deep breath following. “While I was still swimming I saw a large statue afar off which was so admirable, it was enhanced and so attractive that I wasn't able to resist so I decided to have a closer look at it. I made my way closer till I was only few meters away from it and unfortunately I noticed a slight movement In the stiff image as I stopped, my eyes were filled with curiosity and fright, since through out my younger age then I had never for once set my gaze on anything like it before but when I did it was the most frightening thing ever as so was it spectacular,” He furrowed his eyebrows. “I heard my dad's voice as he echo’s my name, instructing me to swim back to him as when I turned back I saw him jump into the water without hesitation. I heard the loud roar of the mystical creature as it's voice resounds in the empty space and being a good swimmer I threw my arm as fast as I could, then I thought that if only I could get to my father then all will be okay and I will be safe again, nevertheless it wasn't so, the moment I got to him he pushed me out to the riverbank and with a loud voice he said ‘Son run, go and tell the villagers that the Thracians has returned' those were the last words I heard from him,” he paused as Kyle looks at his sad eyes. “I took to my feet but stopped when I got into the woods as I looked back only to see my father being tossed up and down by the terrible creature, he was held in its mouth, tears streamed down my cheek because that was the most terrible sight I had ever seen,” “I’m sorry about your father,” Kyle said as Felix looked sideways at him. “You don’t have to be, it was painful but that was on event that made me stronger, I no longer relied on anyone because I had no one, my mother was the first to be killed by an orc,” “Was that the only time you saw the Thracians?” Kyle asks again. “No, what came next was worse, before the attack of the Thracians, the human city was one which had been safe as our city was built in the place where there was proper vegetation, gardens, green trees and fields. We were shielded with a great wall which was so large that not even the orc's or the Nathaniel's could break through, but when the Thracians attacked they both broke down and swept the whole place clean leaving the city desolate and vulnerable for the orc's and Nathaniel's to invade. After the destruction of our walls and city there were so much death of the civilians so we journeyed to the desert and made our abode here, where we can stay hidden from the orc's and Nathaniel's but the most unlikely and ridiculous thing was the fact about what the legends said,” he turns sideways at Kyle with a little smile. “Could you imagine they said that some teenagers would come from the future to rescue us,” he chuckled, shifting his gaze forward again. “isn’t that just ridiculous?” “I don't know but it sounds crazy to me,” Kyle looks slightly at him and forwards again. He didn’t think it impossible but due to the fact he was from the future he never wanted to believe those words since he was just a human and could do notten about stopping a creature as powerful as the Thracian. “By the way, what are you putting on and how did you guys get here?” Felix looks at him. Kyle quickly looked at his dress. “Oh, don't mind it, I’ll take it off as soon as we get there,” “You and your friends all have it on, it looks so strange,” Felix looked forward.
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