something worth more

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“Go on,” “If what the young boy did pleased you, why did you keep him waiting?” She asks respectfully. “A royalty's time must not be wasted, I think what you should have asked was why it took him that long to return the coin,” the princess replied. “You are very well aware of the current situation of these people, they live in the desert and are in serious shortage, who knows, he might be greatly in need of money,” the maiden said. “Learn an important lesson Ruth, money if lost can be regained but time is one thing that can’t be recovered, once it is past its past, so never take it easy on people who waste your time,” “What do you do about the boy's goodness?” the maiden asked politely. “He did what was right and he kept his dignity which was his own gain, if I would reward him then it wouldn’t be because of his kindness rather for his manners, he should be glad for saving his integrity, which is his great reward, and no more questions,” the princess exhales gently still with her gaze forward. Later on that same evening Kyle returns to the small brick house where Gilbert, Kelvin, Saul, Felix and the small child were as he walks into the entrance door with a large basket full of many meals, meat and fruits. “isn’t that Kyle, and where did he get those things?” Gilbert said to the gearing of the others when he laid his eyes on him. Their faces were filled with amazement as Kyle stopped before them, gently setting The basket down to the floor as he squashed both hands together against each other putting the dust off. “Now this is called a legit meal,” he said delightfully with a bright smile on his face as they all looked at him again with much curiosity. “Hold on….” Saul stammers a bit. “You can't tell me those greedy and extremely hungry marketers out there with be kind enough to give you all these without paying to it,” “Actually it was easy,” Kyle said. “You stole it, didn’t you?” Felix took his gaze to the basket. “What? No way, all these stuff you see here were freely given to me by them,” Kyle speaks to them without hesitation. “Nonsense….” Kelvin stands on his feet as he points his index finger to Kyle with a grin on his face. “I know what you did, you used stolen coin to purchase all these,” “That where you get it wrong Kyle, at times it doesn’t take stealing to get to earn your living, a cheerful show of kindness can do much more than you could imagine,” he looks downward to the fruits, gently squatting down beside it as he picks up one fresh apple. “Okay me tell you guys how I managed to get this, while I was headed to the market I encountered a royal guest who was coming into the city, and making their way through a bag of coins fell from the chariot. “And you took it,” Gilbert said slowly with a gentle smile on his face. “No!” Kyle turns quickly at him as Gilbert was uncertain what he meant by that. ‘Could it have been that he gave it back?’ Gilbert thought still uncertain as he felt it impossible he would do that but waited for him to complete his story. “What did you do?” Saul, who was already starting to get upset due to his suspicion of what Kyle did, asked with a sharp gaze still on him as they were all listening to hear the big idea. “I gave it back,” Kyle replied. “No….” they all chorused angrily as they got on their feet turning around in anger and frustration. “What have you done?” Felix looks him in the eye angrily.. “I chose to do what was right, and afterward the chariot left,” “Goodness, that stingy prone,” Saul exclaims, referring to the one who was riding the chariot. “Hold on, you mean she just left with the coin without saying a word?” his eyes sprinted wide In anger as if those words we’re about to explode in his head. “Yes!” Kyle keeps the apple again into the basket as he lifts his gaze once again to them. “You won't believe what happened next. I was disappointed due to the fact that I was starving so I walked up to one of the mal marketers present as I asked him for a little food, but surprisingly not only did he give to me without hesitation but rather her it was like everyone wanted me to receive from them,” “If it was almost all the marketers then where are the remaining food stuff?” Kelvin asked curiously, because certainly one basket full of meal would not be all there is to a large market as such even if they were to donate one piece of substance each. “They were too much than I could carry alone so I gave the remaining to other hungry children out there,” he replied as they were filled with anger again. “How many more baskets are we talking about here?” Felix asked again. “Thirty,” he replies as they all furrow their eyebrows. “You mean you handed thirty baskets full of provisions to others while you came home with one,” Gilbert chuckles slightly. “Yes but I got something worth more than those thirty baskets full of fruits including mine,” Kyle interrupts with his eyes on Gilbert. Gilbert's head spins as though it ran in circles at Kyle's words, listening to every word that came out of Kyle's lips to him were as if it were the sound of a guitar with three missing strings. “What might that thing be that could fetch food for up to a month?” Felix asked. “I got a job, a man who came to get some foodstuffs from the market, when he saw me offered me a job,” he takes out a piece of paper quickly raising it up to their faces. “This is the address he gave me, he said I should be there first thing tomorrow by ten in the morning,”
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