Risk of great worth

1087 Words

“She’s right,” Bonny exhaled gently. “You were brave and no matter what happens after today, know that you made a mark, the fire, the wood, your speech… all showed that you are a leader,” she made a slight smile. “Guys….” Sam called to have their attention as they looked at him only to see orcs closing in on them. “What do we do?” Karen looked at Stephen. “Let’s run, we have to run..” Stephen said audibly. “No…” Albert muttered to their hearing as they all paused looking at him. “We can't run,” he stood upright. “Yes we can, all we have to do is move our feet,” “No!” he screamed, turning to Bonny with eyebrows furrowed. “For how long do you think we can keep that?” “There is no need running now because they already have sight on us,” Sam said as they looked forward and their gaze

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