4. Hostage

514 Words
The time moves like a snail when you’re blindfolded and restrained. My captors passed the time watching movies. I was also able to enjoy listening to them, allowing my imagination to run wild, and that it did. I was accustomed to watching series in other languages but I wasn’t used to the language that they started with. It was a movie called Red, White, and Brass. The characters switched between English and another language, if I had to guess it was Samoan or Tongan but I’ve never had extended exposure to it. The movie was funny and would have been funnier if I could have seen it. The band didn’t have any instruments and was using plastic containers or so I think because a character had said, “Is this supposed to be a brass band or a plastic band?” The film, titled "Take Pay Home," introduced me to peculiar characters named Ppo, Llma, and Bob Titlo. Even without the visuals, their antics had me laughing aloud, earning me a less-than-gentle slap on the back of my head. ‘Crawsis man’ The stinging sensation lingered at the base of my head, intensifying along with the gnawing emptiness in my stomach. Nausea threatened to overpower me as the growls from my belly grew louder. “Can I get some food please?” I asked aloud, hoping my request wouldn’t fall on deaf ears. ‘176’ ‘177’ ‘178’ ‘179’ ‘180’ ‘181’ ‘182’ ‘183’ After exactly three minutes and three seconds, I realized my pleas had been ignored. ‘Dis nah guh work’ [This just won’t work] “AHHHH!” I released a high-pitched scream. “FOOD!” “I WANT FOOD!” My cries echoed, and the screeching of chairs against the cold floor followed by urgent footsteps indicated that my outburst had not gone unnoticed. However, the abrupt silence that ensued warned me of my miscalculation. I had foolishly assumed only two captors were present. The commotion ceased, and a distant door slammed shut. A new voice, deeper and more authoritative, cut through the tension. “What was the noise?” a new voice asked. This person seemed older than the two from before, his voice held a deeper tone. He uttered only four words and that caused more scurrying. ‘Hmm, Bossman is here’ I took the chance to answer before anyone else could. “I’ve been kidnapped for reasons unknown to me and I asked for food… something to eat but I was ignored,” I spoke boldly. “Are you that confident he’ll come for you?” The Boss asked. ‘No, I’m not, why would he come for a stranger?’ “Of course, he’ll come for me” I replied, my voice confident but my eyes reflecting the truth behind my facade. “You two escort her to the pantry, let her have her pick, and bring her back here.” The Boss ordered. “Yes sir.” The younger voices from my initial time here replied. 'I should probably get their names'
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