5. Escape

745 Words
“Let’s go” Voice Number Two of the younger ones ordered. “Before we go, can I get your names?” I asked then continued, “ I’ve been calling you Number One and Number Two in my head. “Why would we tell you our names?” asked an annoyed Voice Number Two. ‘Neva a ask fi yuh govament name still’ [I didn't ask for your official name thou] Ignoring the unwarranted hostility in his tone, I shrugged and continued to walk. They guided me through the building, still blindfolded, and my arms now restrained in front. “Are we almost there yet?” “No” came their annoyed response. Voice Number One had been strangely quiet, it seemed Voice Number Two thought so too. “Are you okay man?” Voice Number Two asked. “Not really,” Voice Number One replied, his voice now strained. "Yeah man, you don’t look too good," a concerned-sounding Voice Number Two stated, directing the comment to what I assumed was an ill-looking Voice Number One. ‘This nuh mek nuh sense ’ [This makes no sense] The sound of hurried footsteps retreating could be heard soon after. “I told that fool not to eat the ice cream and cheesecake now” angry whispers from voice number two. “Yeah, that combination never ends well,” I added. “You shut up” he grunted as he pushed me forward. Not long after we stopped in front of a door and that’s when he relieved me of blindfold. “Don’t try any funny business” He took a set of keys and walked forward to open the door. When I stepped into the pantry, it was everything I wanted and more. The shelves were lined with various snacks, some in boxes and others in tupperware. There were crunchies, slimy, sweet, sour, salty and spicy! All categorized as such this could be my personal heaven. ‘Everything except drinks, but it neva bad’ [Everything with the exception of juice, but it wasn't too bad] “Where’s the juice?” I inquired. “In the freezer, have your pick here, and then we move to the kitchen” he clarified. I took as much as my arms could carry they wouldn’t miss this little bit, “Let’s move over to the kitchen,” I said happily. “Wait, don’t move,” voice number one said softly. His tone hinted at a slight urgency. “What's wrong ?” I asked my voice barely above a whisper as he had been. Just then the sounds of gunshots echoing from the walls could be heard. “Get back in the pantry, hurry!” He said as he pushed me backward until my back was to the pantry door. “The door isn’t closed, go inside and wait. After you go in. Lock the door behind you.” “In the same area where you got those chocolate chip cookies, right behind the stacked Tupperware that they’re in is a door that will lead you to the backyard. Try to escape from there,” came his hurried words. I did as he instructed, locking the door after entering the pantry. The sound of struggle that ensued after had me shaking. ‘Would he be okay?’ A few moments later, the noise came to a halt and two gunshots wrung through the air. ‘He didn’t have a g*n on him’ I searched for the tupperware of chocolate chip cookie snacks but no matter where I looked I couldn't find it. Everything started looking the same until it was getting harder to see and breathe. My chest felt like it was about to collapse in on itself and my heart could’ve bursted at any minute. Tears gathered in my eyes, blurring my vision. ‘I don’t want to die here’ ‘I can’t die yet, I haven’t seen BTS or Seventeen live in concert’ I started pinching my arms, and my legs and gave myself a good slap in either cheek. ‘Chips, chips’ I tried my search again occasionally taking deep breaths. The door handle began shaking and I remained silent. “I think someone is hiding in here” one of the new intruders called out. Luckily I spotted the containers with the chocolate cookie snacks and hurried to push them aside. A sigh of relief escaped my lips upon seeing the red door. ‘Time to leave’
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