8. Under Suspicion

1061 Words
It’s been three days since I was kidnapped, three days since I was going to report it, and three days since I thought I saw Matt through my bedroom window. I spent those days in my room, windows firmly shut, only ever leaving it to get food when my aunt was at the bakery. “Are you going to be okay on your own hon?” Aunt Julia’s voice came as she slowly creaked open my bedroom door. “I’ll be fine, I promise” I urged trying to ease her worry. “We could close the bakery for the days that I’m gone” she added still worried. Jason had a family emergency and would be out for at least a month or so he expects. Since then Aunt Julia had been managing the bakery by herself. “No, it’s fine I’m fine,” I stated confidently, “I’ll just close the bakery early if anything happens, I promise you I’ll be okay” I added. She stared at me her eyes reflecting the worry and uncertainty that I felt. ‘Of course, I was afraid but if they were going to get me they were going to get me regardless of where I was– at the bakery or at home– location doesn’t really matter.’ I thought to myself. “Look,” I started as I reached for my phone, “I have the police on speed dial, it’ll be fine” ‘It probably won’t be fine but life goes on’ I mused internally. That seemed to have given my aunt the reassurance she needed, because she left soon after with evidently reduced anxiety. Leaving me with a kiss on the cheek and the usual “talk”. With my aunt gone I went to the store to prepare for the day. The patisserie arrived soon after I did. He started baking the pastries for the day as I cleaned the store. I wiped down the counter and display tables as well as cleaned the display cases. I also opened the windows for a bit after mopping the floor. When the first set of pastries were done, cooled, and ready to be displayed; I laid them out. Original donuts and cheese cream cookies were the first batch. ‘Guilty pleasure’ I drooled as I looked at them. The familiar aroma of heated sugar, mixed with cinnamon and vanilla paired with a hint of chocolate began to fill the air. The earthy scent of freshly risen dough soon mingled, wafting through the bakery. A knock on the front door startled me. ‘Who is it so early?’ ‘The store doesn’t open until an hour from now’ It was only eight o'clock, the store opened at nine. When I looked it was Matt. My heart raced as I peeked over the counter, spotting Matt standing outside. ‘What on earth was he doing here so early?’ As soon as I saw him, my instinct screamed to hide, to pretend I wasn't here. But hiding forever wasn't an option. So, I watched him through the gaps in the display cases behind the counter, trying to gather the courage to face whatever this encounter would bring. Matt waited patiently, his expression unreadable from this distance. I could feel the weight of his presence. I sat behind the counter for a few more minutes trying to swallow the lump that had developed in my throat. After what felt like an eternity, I slowly edged out from behind the counter, to check if he was still there. ‘Sh*t’ Not only was he still there, but our eyes met. His face said it all, ‘Are we really doing this?’ With his mouth in a slight frown, almost scowling, and something akin to a scolding glare reflected in his eyes. His brows furrowed slightly, creating lines of disapproval on his forehead, while his lips pressed into a thin line, conveying his frustration. It was as if he was silently chiding me for wasting his time or perhaps for hiding from him. ‘Why so serious?’ ‘It’s not my fault you knocked on the door like a psycho!’ I complained to myself and I was now hesitant to let him in. His usual comfortable chaebol attire was swapped for formal attire. He wore a black two-piece suit draped elegantly over his tall, lean 6’3” frame, its tailored lines complementing his long arms and legs. The jacket, with its sleek lapels and tailored fit, accentuated his physique, while the matching trousers elongated his silhouette. Against his dark hair and deep black eyes, the suit's rich hue created a striking contrast, exuding an air of sophistication and an even more intimidating aura. Adorning his wrists were silver cufflinks, their gleam catching the light as he moved, adding a touch of refinement to his ensemble. Overall, the suit epitomized timeless style and understated elegance on his commanding figure. ‘Ahjuicy!’ I mentally slapped myself as the thought popped into my head. ‘Was he even old even to be an Ahjussi?’ One thing was certain, this wasn’t the typical drop-in to get pastries. Now looking past Matt I see what seemed like a million and one men in black suits. ‘How did I not see them before?’ Matt knocked on the door to get my attention, holding his phone up to the glass door. [Are you going to let me in?] I hesitated, unsure of what to do next. 'Should I let him in? Ignore him? Run away?’ But before I could decide he reached into his pocket and began dangling my keys. Without a second thought, I opened the door to grab my key. My fingers closed around the familiar metal, but confusion gnawed at me. ‘How did he get my keys? And more importantly, who is the man standing in front of me?’ "What are you doing here, Matt?" I finally managed to voice my thoughts, my tone a mixture of suspicion and fear. "And where did you get these?" I pressed. His response was a cryptic smile, leaving me with more questions than answers. Moments later he typed something on his phone and showed it to me, [We need to talk] He tilted his head, uncertain, and changed the message. [There are some things we need to address]
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