9. Chasing The Truth

893 Words
Pulling Matt into the bakery I asked, “What do you want to discuss?” [Did you report it to the police?] “It? What are you talking about?’ I asked slightly confused. He looked at me with a deadpan expression. ‘Ohh, so it really was him outside my window that night’ [Did you report the k********g to the police?] He clarified now, slightly annoyed. “I didn’t, I went to the station and I saw your picture then I decided against it” I started to explain and drifted off as I stared into his eyes, “Well, at least until I saw you” I continued to explain the reason behind my delayed police report. He looked at me almost contemplative for a moment before he nodded and walked out of the bakery. He typed something on his phone and showed it to one of the one million and one men out gathered in front of the bakery, effectively dispersing the crowd of them before he came strolling back into the bakery. He stood at the door and did a quick scan before typing on his phone, [I’ll pick you up at closing] “Why?” I made to ask. The question was barely out of my mouth but he had already left. ‘I guess I’ll find out why when he comes back later’ ‘If he even comes back, that is’ The day passed quickly as I managed the bakery, it seemed like the entire town had decided to pay a visit. The place was bustling with customers, both regulars and newcomers. Some faces were familiar, offering warm smiles and friendly greetings, while others I had never seen before but were definitely a welcomed surprise. Some looked like they had just walked out of a catalog and others…not so much. They looked like loan sharks or your everyday thugs which was a surprise they don’t usually come to this side much. ‘Money doesn’t discriminate and if they’re spending I’m selling’ “Welcome!” I greeted them with a smile. “Will this be all for you today?” I asked before checking out their order. Amidst the chaos of trying to check everyone out at a quick pace while ensuring that I don’t make a mistake or accidentally default to my resting b*tchface, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. Every now and then, I caught glimpses of unfamiliar figures lingering outside the storefront, their eyes trained on me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Despite my efforts to focus on serving customers and managing the rush, my mind kept wandering back to Matt's unexpected morning visit. The memory of his deadpan expression and cryptic questions lingered, adding to my growing sense of unease. As the hours passed, the crowd began to thin out, leaving behind a lingering feeling of exhaustion and apprehension. When Matt returned, his presence offered a fleeting sense of relief, though it was quickly overshadowed by the weight of unanswered questions. "Why?" I blurted out, unable to contain my curiosity as Matt prepared to leave again, his presence offering a fleeting sense of relief amidst the chaos of the day. He glanced at me, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions, before swiftly typing on his phone. [There are things you need to know.] His response left me even more perplexed than before. I searched his eyes for any hint of an explanation but found none. With a final glance, he gestured for me to follow him, leading me to his car parked outside. As we walked, I remembered the past occasions when he visited the bakery. My fingers brushed against the strawberry danishes and chocolate cream pie I had set aside for him. ‘I would be a waste to just throw them out’ ‘Yeah, that’s why I packed them for him, no other reason’ As we approached his car in the dimly lit parking lot, the gray Range Rover stood out like a silent sentinel amidst the shadows. Its sleek contours were barely discernible in the darkness, but the subtle gleam of its metallic finish hinted at its formidable presence. ‘Wow, I feel like I’m doing a commercial any way back to the description’ The muted glow of streetlights cast a soft illumination upon the vehicle, highlighting its elegant lines and refined silhouette. Despite the late hour, the Range Rover exuded an air of quiet confidence, its dark exterior blending seamlessly into the night. ‘Long story short it was a good-looking gray Range Rover’ Climbing into the passenger seat, I couldn't help but feel a rush of questions bubbling up inside me. With a hesitant glance at Matt, I finally mustered the courage to ask, "What happened? Why was I kidnapped? And who are you, really?" Matt's fingers flew over his phone as he typed out his response, his expression pained. He showed me the message, [It's complicated. I'll explain everything.] Though his answer offered little solace, I nodded, trusting that he would tell me the truth in due time. I settled into my seat as we drove into the night, the truth I had been seeking closer than I ever imagined. Then I started overthinking. ‘Is it really okay to trust him so easily?’ ‘What happened to stranger danger?’
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