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200 years after "Welcome to Maple, where the veil between reality and myth blurs.” “Well,you're weirder than normal today…” Anna muttered as she playfully rolled her eyes at the most excited member of their group. Nyx grinned at her, before turning her gaze to the other two.“You girls ready for the witchy whispers?" “Well I don't know about that,” Lauretta answered with a small shrug, “but I'm definitely ready for some food.” Bella threw her hand over Lauretta’s shoulder and squeezed the former closer. “I'm sure we can get you something at the open market,” she said. “Come on guys.” She began leading Lauretta towards the bustling market,as Anna and Nyx exchanged smiles. “I know what you're thinking,”Nyx began and her best friend folded her arms over her chest. “Really? Tell me then.” “You probably think it's impossible for me to find her here, and…you're probably right.” “Well you didn't have to think it, I told you already.” Anna said, her smile unwavering. “I know.” Nyx let out a sigh as she cast a glance at the direction their other friends had gone in. “But then since we're here,we might as well make the most out of it,” she added in a tone that made Anna's smile widen and her eyes sparkle with excitement. “How much have you got?” “About a thousand,” Anna answered, “you?” Nyx cussed under her breath. “I only have like six hundred….but I'm spending it all,I don't care.” Anna nodded emphatically,the beads in her hair clicking together in a fun rhythm. “Let's do it…we'll just have to finish up early so the tour bus doesn't leave us behind.” Nyx grinned and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, the movement revealing a vibrant, tribal patterned scarf loosely tied around her wrist. "Alright, let's explore." They both linked their arms as they went to look for the other two. “Did you get something to eat yet?,” Nyx said when they finally met up with Lauretta and Bella after minutes of walking around the market. “Yup,” Bella said with a nod. “We just had some really amazing cupcakes….oh and there's a spiritual relic shop over there,” she added, pointing excitedly at a store further ahead. “Yeah,” Lauretta exaggerated. “We should totally waste our money on those fake items.” “They are not fake.” Bella insisted. “Yeah,and my mom didn't abandon me and my father.” Two of the girls had the same exact reaction on their faces,but it was only Bella who chuckled with amusement. “Nyx …” Anna muttered in amused exasperation. “No,no since we are gonna be saying things that aren't true,”Nyx stated with a laugh as they all came to a stop in front of the store. The soothing scent of sandalwood and patchouli wafted out, mingling with the hum of tourist buzz as they stood waiting for their turn. “I thought you believed in weird stuffs like this,” Lauretta pointed out to Nyx as she glanced around. “Yeah,I believe in the existence of certain supernatural…things. Not knock offs.” “Hello there…” A middle aged woman greeted with a warm smile. “My name's Shaylin.” “Nice to meet you,Shaylin.” Nyx and her friends chorused. “We are looking for really special items to take back home,” Bella said, giggling and the older woman nodded,her gaze darting over their faces until it settled on Nyx’s. “We have quite a lot of great items,” she said. “Like this alligator tooth.” She reached up,brought down the neckpiece and held it out to Nyx. “This is the knockoff I was talking about.” “Nyx…” Anna muttered again, elbowing her. Shaylin grinned as her gaze moved over the other three women. “It's not uncommon for people to think the items here are fake,so I understand.” She held up the piece again, “but this is quite real. And it does wonders for one's luck.” “I’ll take it!” Anna stated, stretching her hands forward, but Shaylin shook her head slowly in refusal. “It is for the red head….I have something for you too, darling.” “What about us?” Bella chipped in and Shaylin let out a laugh. “I have something for you both too….I have something for everyone.” The group exchanged curious glances, drawn in by the shop owner's mysterious tone and demeanor. “Fine,I'll take it.” Nyx said as she reached into her bag and pulled out a bill. “Not that I need it,my luck's pretty good…sometimes.” She averted her gaze as the older woman's piercing eyes seemed to be looking into her soul. And immediately after she'd given her friends their own items,Nyx whirled and hurried from the store. “We should get back to the bus now,” Lauretta said as they walked away. “But the market tour isn't over yet,” Anna and Bella replied in unison,then exchanged amused looks. Lauretta had a slight frown on her face. “I know but…. we'd be stranded if the bus leaves us behind.” They walked around the large expanse, brushing past tourists and sellers,until Anna let out a very audible sigh of weariness. “I think we're lost.” “Definitely,” Nyx agreed. “I could swear that, we've passed through this spot twice already,” she added, pointing to the empty spot in front of them. She suddenly tripped on her feet and went crashing into the person waking in front,her scarf sliding from her wrist. “Damn it!” She cussed as she righted her posture. “Girl,I think Shaylin gave you the wrong tooth.” Bella muttered and as they snickered. Nyx bit back a smile at the statement. “Thank you,” she said as she accepted her scarf from the person she'd crashed into. It was a old woman. She looked string for her age and she had an unsmiling face. “You girls are tourists right?” She asked. Anna nodded.“Yup,came in with the tour bus.” “And if we don't start leaving the bus will definitely leave us.” Lauretta interjected,her voice heavy with worry. She'd always been the overthinker of the group. “Well I saw it at the other open market,” the lady told them. Her eyes narrowed at Nyx,and she seemed to suck in a quick breath. “Where's the next tour location after this place?” She asked,her gaze gliding over all four women. “We’ve checked the market, we will probably just visit more supernatural stores.” Bella answered, “Why?” The woman faced Nyx again, her gaze boring holes into her,”Whatever you do, don't go near the devil's Cave,” Nyx gave a sarcastic nod, her ponytail bobbing.“Hm, any particular reason why?” she asked, her eyebrows raised. But the lady suddenly looked like she was confused. "This town's got history," she babbled almost feverishly, her voice low. "Witches, magic, and dark….” “Yeah we know,” Lauretta interjected. “That's why we are here.” Anna added. She looked straight at Nyx."Be careful." “And whatever you do, stay away from the Devil's Cave." She repeated. Lauretta raised an eyebrow. "Why? What's so special about it?" "That's where the darkness lives…and you all must avoid it at all cost." “Wait,why do I feel like you actually want us to go there?” Anna asked, raising an eyebrow. The woman's gaze turned frantic.“You don't understand...” “I also don't see anything about a devil's cave online or on the tour website,” Bella cut in,holding her phone up. The woman's expression turned grim as she suddenly reached out and gripped Anna's arm. “You seem like the level headed one….don't let them…her” she shot a look at Nyx. “Don't let her into the cave or it'll be disastrous.” “Well damn, lady…alright. We won't explore the caves.” Nyx said as she moved to pry the woman's hand away from Anna's. “What's even in there?” Bella asked, shifting uncomfortably as the older woman's gaze focused on her.“Nothing you want to see.”
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