
Fated to die

magical world

Nyx O'Malley, a young woman, learns about her parentage and decided to tour the town her mother was from, as a tourist. While there, she mistakenly released a powerful creature that had been bound and locked away for centuries. What will happen when she finds out that the vampire she released was her fated mate. Or when the vampire discovers that she must die for him to live?

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31, December, 1819 "May the life force of the ocean, the earth and the moon, transcend into our very beings and lighten every crevice of our souls...." The Kaluz temple was a beehive of activity as the dark sisters met in the closed chamber. Smoke filled the air, engulfing them, as they knelt beside a stone alter, Chanting silently in ancient tongue's. Hand's raised up in supplication. Outside, Almost half the witches and wizards in Torrance awaited their return. It was New years eve, and, as had been their custom for centuries. The witches had gathered at the temple, while three elected elder witches went into the inner chamber to consult with their ancestors. This ritual was necessary, as it helps the witches divine what the New year would bring. “Bountiful harvest I pray to thee great mother.” An old woman clasped her hands together, muttering silently, but audibly “Less deaths in the community. I pray to thee great mother, Kaluz.” A teenage girl standing beside her also muttered, earning her a glare from the old woman. “Try and articulate your prayers well Mishra.” The old woman scolded the teenage girl. "It should be no death in the witches community, nothing more.” "But Agamemnon says death is a prize everyone must..." There was a loud bang behind them and a chorus of shrieks rent up the air as all the witches swiftly turned around. One of the temple's door was dangling uselessly from it's hinges while the other lay flat on the floor. Behind the door was a long shadow that swept into the dimly lit room. The ladies shuddered in fright as they heard footsteps without seeing who was out there. “Evening ladies," A voice boomed out. "Ivan!” Collective gasps spread across the room "Surprised to see your arch enemy?” Ivan asked. Steping slowly into the room proper. “He is not supposed to be here." Someone whispered from the end of the room. “That's the thing though." Ivan chuckled as he unhurriedly stalked into the room,the tail of his dark coat, trailing behind him almost ominously. “I'm everywhere." He stopped right in the middle of the Kaluz altar, his legs a few feet from an infinity sign that was drawn on the floor. He stared straight at the tightly shut chamber doors which was a meter ahead of him. There were few gasps from different corners as the witches stared at him with fright. Few mother's holding their children. “What do you want from us?" All eyes turned to Amelia, a young witch renowned for using her mouth before her head. “Amelia what are you doing?" The oldest of the group immediately scolded, her eyes narrowed as she studied the impetuous child. "Mother, this is an important ritual and his kind is not welcomed here.” Amelia glared, stepping forward boldly. “It's the new years eve." Ivan said, then shrugged as a sly smile began to spread across his face. “I want to know what the new year holds for me.” He took two steps forward and stood on the infinity sign. "You wouldn't just refuse to read my path right?” He turned sideways, his full gaze on Mazekin, the high priestess. "Vampires are not allowed in the temple, especially you Ivan." The old lady stated firmly. "Slayer of the innocent,that you are...your presence desecrates the purity of this great ritual!" “Ah... but then you lot aren't that pure either...." Ivan muttered,then shot a brief glance at Amelia. "Besides,that title isn't even mine truly,but no one ever believes that." There was a hint of frustration in his voice, but for the most part, his words were laced with sarcasm. “Now, if you'll excuse me. I have a pressing matter to attend to." He strode forward, walking menacingly towards the chamber door. “No you can't" Amelia cried out as she ran past him and blocked his path. She turned to the other witches who were cowering at a corner of the hall. Her eyes beckoning on them for help. “Are you all just going to stand there and watch him destroy everything?!" She yelled at her mates. “The dark sisters are not to be disturbed, no matter the issue." Ivan's shoulder rose and fell in a noncommittal shrug.“Well I want answers, and I'm going to get them." "You're not going in there," the young witch insisted with a firm head shake. "I won't let you." Ivan let out a dramatic sigh and glanced around the room before facing Amelia again.“Look child, despite what everyone believes,I actually do have a natural aversion to killing the innocent, especially younger ones.." he lips tipped up in a smirk. "But then I'm evil enough to still knock you out for a while, so move before you get hurt." “Amelia?" The high priestess called out, her voice firm. "Move, daughter." She instructed her only child, careful not to let the fear in her heart, seep into her voice. The gentle plea only seemed to solidify Amelia's stubborn resolve as she widened her stance and narrowed her eyes at Ivan. “If the dark sisters are disturbed before the set time," she began in a cold voice, "...the witches will have no insight of what the new year brings, that will leave us powerless." “You!" She pointed at Ivan, "might be a Demi god and a vampire but you are not….” Before Amelia could complete her sentence, Ivan's hands connected with her throat. In seconds, Amelia felt her leg leave the stone floor of the cave and her airways tighten up " St…poop." She clawed at Ivan's hands. " Amelia!!” Her mother screamed and ran forward and immediately went down on her knees. " Please, Ivan spare her life. She has always been petulant.” Mazekin pleaded fervently,her palms pressed together. The other witches were whimpering and cowering behind each other as Ivan let out a bored sigh even as his icy blue eyes slowly began to turn a bright red. " Put her down, Ivanovich.” A shrill voice echoed in front of Ivan,and sent sharp tingles down his spine. Gently,he dropped Amelia, his hands still wrapped around her neck. The chamber door was opened, and in front of it was Esme, the oldest witch in Torrance. She raised a hand as she stepped out, her grey hair falling around her like snowy mane. Behind her was a middle aged witch and a very young one who couldn't be much older than Amelia. They were all dressed in deep green gowns,the colour of life itself. With a powerful shove, Ivan moved Amelia away from his presence, and her mother bolted up and rushed to pick her up. “Esme, it's a pleasure to see you again, after the battle of Rosenberg." "The pleasure isn't mutual, hybrid.” Esme replied as she stepped forward shakily her walking stick making a thudding sound. " The Kaluz chamber is the place where our power is strongest...and yet you enter it with such arrogance." "I'm not here for trouble." " We shall decide that.” Esme responded and the other two gave a solemn nod. His brow suddenly furrowed in speculation."Wait, i thought Rosenberg was where your powers is strongest?" No one answered so he went on. " I'm not here to talk about Rosenberg though, even though your defeat was something worthy of a line in poetry.” " So why are you here?" The youngest of the dark sisters asked. Her tone calm. “Dahlia be quiet." Esme snapped. “Dahlia." Ivan muttered,the name rolling off his tongue like a prayer. “Beautiful name," he smiled at her,then returned his gaze to the old sister. "I simply want to know what lays ahead in the future." "That is a privilege meant only for the witches and the wizards.” Esme looked around, as a collective murmur swept through the room. " But what about Viktor?" Ivan asked gently. "He is a werewolf.” " Birthed by a witch. He is half wolf, half witch.” Dahlia corrected,still in her calm tone. " I see.” Ivan replied as he began walking in slow circles. " And what if...” He paused and stared at the herd of witches huddled in a corner, watching the confrontation with a mix of fear and awe. "What if I decide to take all their lives one by one?and just live up to my reputation?” " That won't work here,demi god!" The oldest sister snapped,her dark eyes hardening. " Then give me what I want and I'll be gone...I give you my word." "This temple refuses to grant you your wish.” the middle aged sister muttered, and the youngest nodded in support.. " Very well then.” Ivan's eyes turned bright red and with the speed of lightening he ran towards the witches . His hands were around Amelia's neck even before they could react. " I think the headstrong one should go first.” Ivan said calmly, his voice thick with an essence that ruffled the feathers of even the oldest dark sister . Amelia wriggled under his grip as he spoke, while the other witches shouted and ran towards the dark sisters. " A life of a witch is about sacrifice, Ivan.” Esme shouted." Do well to remember that." Ivan smiled,then tightened his fist. "Mother!" Amelia choked out as her eyes bulged and her face turned a vivid shade of purple. “This one doesn't look like she appreciates that sentiment though." Ivan teased. A sarcastic note in his voice. “Stop it." The hall immediately fell silent, and all eyes snapped to the youngest of the dark sisters. " Dahlia what are you doing?” Esme asked, her nostrils flaring with fury. But Dahlia ignored everything as she focused her calm gaze on Ivan "I shall read your path." She said,then tilted her head up stubbornly as she stepped forward.

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