Chapter 18

2031 Words

Akela's Pov: I watched as Ashley fell into the lake and I felt my heart drop, even if she did know how to swim her hands were tied so it would just make it harder for her to come back to the surface. The water was freezing and would throw her body into shock, I screamed her name trying to shake of the vampires holding me. I watched as Alexander started laughing and clapped his hands together like he was a little kid, he grinned down at the water. I started to feel our Mate bond waiver inside me, I knew that Ashley was dying. I groaned in pain, my heart felt like it  was being ripped out, I felt Alexander as he came to stand in front of me.  " Now my dear Akela that stupid b***h is out of our way. Now we can be together forever." He started caressing my hair and recoiled from his touch, a

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