
1078 Words

“Twelve”   Present Time... It's been a week since Phraisong arrived at Hua Hin district and spent time with his now legal spouse and bonded omega, Bayu. The past seven days were like heaven for both of them. They spent the mornings with cuddles or with breakfast in bed made by either of them. Bayu apparently knows how to cook Italian food, Phraisong's favorite. At lunch they would go for a stroll around the area after a meal at a restaurant. In the afternoon they would go for a swim or watch a movie at the beach house. In the evening, they would either have a romantic dinner at a different restaurant or have barbecue by the beach. They also went to a local festival once and even bought another wolf plush. Phraisong likes this hobby of Bayu. He even has a room prepared for the toys b

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