
1170 Words

“Thirteen”   "Some people never change. At least not completely. Some simply evolved into better versions of themselves. In the long run or temporarily. And gossipers are one of those who will never cease to exist. No matter what universe you're in--" "Ugh! Who wrote this boring intro?" Bayu groaned after reading an article on the internet. His Google glass had been plastered on his eyes for a while looking for a good article to read. So-hyun and Shin-hye chuckled at their best friend's behavior. Yo doesn't always complain loudly. He probably forgot he's inside a coffee shop with his best friends. "Aherm!" One of the twins tried to get Yo's attention. "Yo..." "Huh?" He took off his device and straightened his posture in his seat. So-Hyun pointed behind Bayu with her mouth. With whi

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