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“Two”   The Jarupanivh Resorts is holding the birthday celebration of two people today. The fated alpha and omega---Phraisong Khumpai and Bayu Sutivong. These two wonderful people will soon close their fifteen year age gap by completing their soulbond and begin their life as a fated pair. Kasem and Ishan Sutivong has given Phraisong an ultimatum. He could only be mated to their son once Bayu turns sixteen. Ishan was very opposed to it. He wanted the doctor to wait until Bayu was eighteen. But soon, he agreed. It was already a shock for them when Phraisong convinced them over and over that he was fated to their son. Phraisong was twenty. And Yo was five. Boon helped them realize it was true. Their five year old son showing his unexpected affinity to the older guy also confirmed the truth. The little boy would have sparkling eyes and would always tell them, "Dad, Pa, I will marry him someday." The kid was aloof towards other people. Except for Boon. And of course, his fated, whether he knew or not—Phraisong.           "Phraisong! What's taking so long? The party is starting!" Boon rushed inside one of the other beach houses at the resort. The main house is occupied by Ram and his family and in laws. The second one by Kasem and Ishan with their family as well. The third one by Ram and Boon's other friends. And the fourth one, the smallest--Phraisong. Phraisong stands in front of the mirror in the living room. "Do I look old?" He is wearing white shirt folded on his elbows, khaki short pants, and white beach flip flops. Boon chuckled. "Nah. Bayu would be all over you no matter what. He's nervous, too so get your ass out there and have a birthday blast with him!" Boon then pulled Phraisong's wrist and dragged him out the door. When they both arrived by the beach where everybody is waiting, all the other guests' eyes were on them. Ram greeted them first as he was the closest to the concrete steps leading to the beach houses. His steps were buried slightly on the sand as he walked holding his three year old daughter. "He's not running away, love. Let his hand go." Boon noticed his grip on Phraisong's wrist. He let out a laugh. He kissed his husband's lips and whispered, "He's worried that he might look old so I kidnapped him from his house to deliver to Yo." Ram chuckled and so did the little girl in his arms. "Mommy!" She jumped into Boon's arms. Finn came running to his mother as well and then jumped on his father's back. While Ram is having the sweet moment with his little family, Phraisong had already approached the other birthday celebrant. Phraisong and Bayu shared a sweet stare and a smile as their own party was being started by Bayu's parents. Everything around them was forgotten including the song being sung for them until their shoulders were tapped to get them to blow the candles on their cake. There was a single white candle. They blew it at the same time. And they're back to each other's gaze again. Kasem and Ishan are both happy and sad at the same time. They had to let go of their only child sooner or later. Bayu had suffered enough ever since he got his first heat. Even Doctor Karl Inchareon came to help. The omega was given the best suppressants. But only his fated mate can forever ease the pain, from his heat and from the longing. "Happy birthday, Yo..." "Happy birthday, P'Pha. I told you... We'll be alright...P'Pha." Phraisong smiled with mist in his eyes. He pulled the smaller guy slowly and hugged him close. "You were right. And we're gonna be okay...You and me..." Phraisong and Bayu shared a table with the latter's parents. The two Sutivong business owners exchanged more meaningful conversation with the doctor as they didn't get to really talk to him after he arrived earlier this morning. The other party goers continued to celebrate. There are round tables with white skirting placed on the sand floors where they all took their respective seats. The food and drinks were replenished from time to time by the waiters and waitresses hired by the Sutivong grandparents. They spoil their only grandson. The people ate and drank happily. Shared chats and random photo shoots. The guests were consist of the Sutivong extended family and friends, Jarupanivh extended family and friends which include the Vongvanichs, and Bayu's best friends, So-Hyun and Shin-Hye, beta twins. Bayu's parents were happy when they learned their son finally got friends. Being friends with a seven year old Finn isn't exactly what they had in mind but it is good, too. The kids of the second generation Jarupanivh and Vongvanich lead by Finnegan were all playing supervised by their parents. Phraisong and Bayu watch them as they share a piece of dessert--their birthday cake. "They're cute, huh." Phraisong uttered to break the silence after Kas and Ishan left the two alone. Bayu blushed. And Phraisong understood later the reason why. His little remark might have sent his omega to the future waiting for them. He held the sixteen year old's hand and pressed his palm. "I'm sorry." The teenager smiled and squeezed the fingers back. "Don't be P'Pha. We'll be getting there, too. Someday." It's Phraisong's turn to blush. The parents watch at the sweet exchange between their son and his alpha. "This is harder than I thought." Ishan whispered to his husband. Kas held his wife close and kissed his temple. "It will be fine, babe. They will be fine."       It was almost seven in the evening when the birthday guests wrapped up their night and retired in their respective houses. Kas and Ishan talked with Phraisong privately at the beach house they're occupying for the week before they talked with and sent Bayu to the smallest beach house. "Take care of our son, Nong." Kasem told the doctor after he handed him the box that contains Bayu's key to his choker. The choker Phraisong himself gifted the young omega after getting his first heat. Phraisong did not trust himself with the key so he gave it to Bayu's parents for safekeeping. They're the only ones who can grant him permission to be with Bayu. He trusts his future in laws. Ishan placed a hand on the box Phraisong was holding. "The papers are inside. We signed it already. Today." The thirty one year old surgeon looked down on the box and gripped it tighter. "Nong Pha... You can have a proper ceremony when he finished high school. But for now, hold on to the certificate. You can both sign it later. Submit it to registrar's office when you have the time. We both signed it, too. Ram and Boon signed the witnesses' page." Kasem explained to the doctor the contents of the box. Letter of Consent. Marriage Certificate. In the eyes of the law, both the alpha and the omega can bond as long as they are both of age. Same law applied to other couples regarding copulation. But for fated alpha and omega, the age isn't limited to eighteen. But lowered to sixteen. However, Phraisong is fifteen years older than Bayu. Thus the letter of consent from both of the teenager's parents. A very hard decision they had to make to help their son who happened to have the same special case as them. Phraisong looked up to his in laws. They're all seated in their living room. "I'll take care of him. I promise." He said sincerely. The couple gave him a warm smile. "Go to him. He's waiting in your house." Ishan means the beach house only Phraisong is the occupant. He stood up. He didn't know how to say goodbye but Kasem understood his awkwardness. He hugged the younger man and patted his back. "This is the start of your forever. You're family now." Ishan smiled while rolling his eyes. "You just copied my mom's words, Kas." Art Rakthum said same thing to Kasem when he asked for Ishan's hand in marriage. His husband chuckled. "They were words of wisdom. Nong Pha is gonna need it." He stood next to Ishan, arm on his shoulder. "Tsk. Go before we unsign the papers." Ishan shooed the doctor away after patting his arm. "Thank you..." He gave a smile and a wai before leaving the front door. Yes. This is the beginning of forever for Phraisong Khumpai, alpha and his little omega, Bayu Sutivong---fated pair. _____________________________________________________-
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