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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.  _______________________________________________________________________________________________   “One”   London, England It has been eight years. Eight full of longing years. In a few hours, Dr. Phraisong Khumpai is flying back to Bangkok, Thailand. Back to where his heart belongs to. Back to his home. Knock Knock Knock "Come in." Phraisong is standing by the windows of his office at King's College Hospital. A young woman in her scrubs came in through his office door holding a thin folder and a gift box. "Doctor, I'm sorry I wasn't at the farewell party the other day. Here's my gift for you before you go." Her nervous British accent was clearly noticed by Phraisong. The six feet three inches tall doctor turned completely to face the petite nurse and gestured her to lay the gift on his desk as she handed him the folder. It contains some last minute documents he needed for his transfer. "Thank you, Macy. This means a lot." Phraisong stuffed the folder into his small briefcase next to his luggage. He is leaving for the airport straight from his workplace. Soon to be former workplace. When he picked up the box, he glanced at the nurse. She is still standing there nervously in front of the doctor's desk. He smiled at her. Genuinely. "I'm sorry I couldn't..." "It's alright, Pha. I am actually here to wish you a happy trip. Eight years is very long. I am happy for you." The nurse sincerely tells the doctor. She has her hands clasped together to hold herself from breaking down. Macy had once confessed to the soon thirty one year old brain surgeon. Phraisong however never accepted any advances. From anybody. He belongs to somebody already. He is fated to someone. That's what he always tells anyone who comes or about to come confessing to him. Phraisong had been and always will be loyal to his future mate. And he is waiting for him. After the nurse left and both had said their goodbyes, Phraisong took one last glance at his small office and carried his luggage out the building. The doctor took a cab straight for the airport. His vision was focused on one thing. The way home...       Bangkok, Thailand Thirteen straight long hours of nonstop one way flight from England, Dr. Phraisong Khumpai arrived at Bangkok International Airport. "How was the flight, cuz?" Ram Jarupanivh asked his cousin after picking him up from the arrival area. Phraisong's parents passed away in a car accident two years ago. Ram and his family are his only relatives living left in Thailand. Both of their grandparents had also left. "It was...long." Phraisong complained. Ram patted his cousin's back before they both hopped in his car. They're going straight to Hua Hin District. "Get more sleep. This car can get there in two hours tops." Ram glanced at Phraisong who seems to be more excited than tired from a long trip. "I'm glad traffic isn't a problem anymore. And this car even drives faster." Phraisong smiled as he admired the highways outside. "Yup. P'Max designed this car actually. It was a gift for our thirtieth birthday." Ram and Boon turned thirty last year in September. Today is July 7, 2031. "How is Boon? And my nephew and niece?" Phraisong came back once at Ram's son's 4th birthday.  Ram smiled at the mention of his little family. "They're both excited to see their uncle. Boon is with them waiting for us. It would have been a loud ride if Finn joined me." "That little rascal." Phraisong chuckled at the thought of his nephew. "You'll see everyone soon. Him, too. So get some rest. You're gonna need it tonight." Ram smacked Phraisong's shoulder. Ram's cousin let out a nervous laugh. "Are you trying to make me sleep or get me even more excited?" Ram laughed too. "Just sleep...Daddy Phraisong." Smack! "Hey! I'm driving here!" Ram is an expert driver. He didn't lose control. He is only messing with his cousin. "I am so telling Boon you called me Daddy." Phraisong snickered. "No, you're not!" "Yes, I am." "Phraisong!" "Then stop your jokes about me and Nong Yo. It's getting old." Phraisong sometimes wonders how his cousin still has his childish attitude. "Okay. Okay. Just sleep. You've got an hour and a half left." And Phraisong obeyed. He does need his energy tonight.           "Very excited, I see." Boon noticed how Bayu kept fixing his face in the mirror. "P'Boon, you sure I don't have any zits?" The sixteen year old asked his P'Boon for a hundredth time. "Dad, what's a zit?" Seven year old Finnegan asked Boon, his mother. "Shhh!!! It's nothing!" Bayu covered Boon's mouth before he could answer his curious son. "Sweetie. Your face is as smooth as mine." Boon said after Bayu uncovered his lips. The sixteen year old smiled in delight. He left the mirror and walked towards the window overlooking the parking lot of the beach house they are staying at for the week. There are a couple other houses around the Jarupanivh Resorts. It's a  private compound. "He'll be here soon. Ram called me before they left the airport." Boon put his hand on Bayu's shoulder. "The party won't start until later. You both needs to rest before that. And he must be tired from his trip. London is far." Boon said softly. "I feel like jumping up and down. Is that normal?" The teenager asked Boon. The mother of two chuckled. "Yep. Very normal. Relax. You'll be fine. He'll take care of you." Boon meant it in a sincere way but Bayu blushed. "Tsk. I didn't mean the tonight' part. I'm talking about the future part." Bayu only blushed further. Boon shook his head. Just then, a black car stopped in front of the beach house. "Oh, good. They're he--" Boon didn't even get to finish his sentence. Bayu already dashed out the door and downstairs to meet the new arrivals. His parents beat him to it. "Dad, Pa, why are you here already?" Bayu asked Kasem and Ishan who were about to open the main door for the newcomers who are still outside. "We knew you would be running to him. That's why." Ishan responded. His son pouted. "Let's just let him, babe." Kas tells his husband. Ishan could only express a groan over his husband's suggestion. "Go ahead, bud. He's waiting." Bayu beamed and darted out of the main door his father held open. Once outside, he was met by two men taking out some luggage and boxes out of the back of the black car. The pale skinned tall man froze at the sight of the sixteen year old. He blinked. "Hello, my P'Pha..." Phraisong pursed his lips trying to contain the overwhelming feelings that rushed to him. A mix of happiness. Relief. Longing. And Love. "Hi, Nong..." His eyes had a mist formed in them. Before he could say more, Bayu jumped into his arms, clung his limbs on his tall and sturdy body. "You're back, P'Pha!" The omega cuddled himself on the crook of his alpha's neck. "I missed you, my citrus P'Pha..." Phraisong held Bayu safely as the smaller legs wrapped around his waist. "I missed you, Nong..." He sniffed on his lavender scent. "I've missed you so..much." Bayu hugged the alpha tighter. "P'Pha...welcome home...Happy birthday..." Phraisong kept his eyes closed. Focusing on Bayu's scent. "I'm home, baby. Happy birthday..." He whispered the words so only the teenager can hear. "Let's go inside before your parents make me wait for you for two more years." Phraisong started walking into the house, Bayu is still clinging to him. They both laughed quietly as they made their way to the beach house. __________________________________________________
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