Chapter 4

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Cayden POV “Yes thank you sir” I said and exited the shop. I decided to surprise Mila and Katie with evening dresses, we’ve been here for 2 weeks now and Dimitri and Mila are so happy. “We’ll find our mate soon” Nima said and I nodded in agreement “One day bud, one day” I said and rounded the corner on my way to the apartment. I caught a strange smell near the apartment and glanced around. “It smells like a rogue” Nima growled and I was on alert. Looking around for anyone looking suspicious, but there was no one. So I entered the building and knocked on the door. Katie flung the door open and hugged my legs “My prince!” she squealed and I smiled walking in with her wrapped around my one leg. I placed the packages on the dining table and scooped her up. “Hello princess, how is my little genius today?” I asked hugging her. I wasn’t kidding this little girl is brilliant. She skipped two grades. Two “I’m great! What’s in there?” she asked pointing to the packages I brought “When Mila gets home you’ll see, it’s a surprise for tonight. So did you have lunch?” I asked placing her back down “Yeah, made you a sandwich too” she said pulling me toward the kitchen. Opening the fridge she produced a turkey sandwich, not the most presentable sandwich but it tasted awesome. I groaned in satisfaction taking the second bite “It’s the ranch dressing, that’s the secret” she said sitting at the breakfast top “Hmmm, this is good. Never would’ve put ranch dressing on a turkey sandwich though” I said and she just shrugged “I work with what I have. So tell me, are the schools good there in your kingdom?” she asked eyes sparkling “The best, you will be going to the same school Dimitri and I went to. The royal academy. You’ll love it there you’ll see” I said enthusiastically and she nodded happily “Do they have sports too?” she asked and I nodded yes. Now she was ecstatic. “Good, I can’t wait to go there. When can we go?” she asked and I wasn’t sure how to answer her but luckily Mila and Dimitri walked in the door “Hey guys! We’re home!” she yelled from the door. I quickly washed the plate I used and placed it in the drying rack. I exited the kitchen and greeted them both then I felt a tug on my pants “Can we open our surprises now?” Katie asked I smiled and gave each of them their packages. Dimitri smiled like a goofball, he knew what it was. They opened it and they both gasped “Oh god it’s gorgeous Cayden” Mila gasped out. Katie ran to her room and minutes later returned wearing her forest green gown with black medium heels. She looked perfect “Thank you, thank you! This is the most beautiful dress I’ve ever seen!” she said twirling in happiness “I’m glad you like it, we’re going to need it tonight” I said and their heads snapped toward me “What? Why? Cayden we can’t accept this, thank you but we can’t afford this” Mila said slowly closing the package but Dimitri spoke up “Nonsense my love, it’s our treat. Besides I don’t spoil you enough” he said handing her the package again. I chuckled thinking of my mom when my dad did this in the beginning, she always complained he was wasting money or spoiling us too much but I get it. You want to do it “So genius, go get ready. We’ll pick you up in 2 hours” I said and she hugged me tightly whispering in my ear “I wish you were my brother. Thank you my prince” I felt a lump form in my throat and hugged her tighter. “You’ll always be my little genius, I love you Katie” I said and when I pulled back she had tears in her eyes. I know what it’s like not having a dad, the goddess blessed me with the best “foster” dad in whole world, and in this moment I love him even more. He did for me what I’m doing for her. I have to phone him later. “See you two ladies later. I love you Mila” Dimitri said and kissed her passionately. Katie made gagging noised and I laughed, Mila just waved a dismissive hand behind Dimitri’s back. “Get a room you two” she said and left for the bathroom. I turned and left to wait outside for Dimitri. When I stepped outside the smell was still there, fainter but still there. I glanced around again but I couldn’t find anything out of place. “Shall we go?” Dimitri spoke up behind me I just hummed in response “You smell that?” I asked as we walked to the car. He stopped and sniffed the air and I saw him tense up “Rogue” he said his eyes flashing red. I nodded and opened the car taking out our suits and shoes. “We’re not leaving them. We’ve been here for more than three weeks now and I haven’t caught a whiff of anything, now there’s a rogue” I said handing him his suit and shoes. He nodded and took the stuff from me and we walked back to the apartment. The girls were surprised when we were back so soon but we just said it was a waste driving all the way back to finish up since we had our clothes with us. So we sat and waited for more than an hour just to grab a quick shower. Goddess I smell like a unicorn, not that I know what they smell like, but I had to use some of Katie’s shampoo so yeah now I smell like that. She’ll love it. An hour later we entered the very high end restaurant and it was stunning. I had Katie as my partner and she has never been happier. Both of them looked stunning in their dresses, both their hairstyles were beautiful and Mila had make-up on. Dimitri glared at every man that dared look at her, making me chuckle. “Damn sexy man, you’re a tad possessive aren’t you?” Mila joked and Dimitri flushed “Yeah well you’re mine” he mumbled and she smiled. She loved it and all was well until the waitress flirted with both of us. Mila growled at her, not like a wolf growl but close. His egotistical ass decided to provoke the woman and winked at the waitress. Yup, she definitely got the dragon’s rage as well. “f**k you Dimitri” she hissed, she was fuming. Katie and I sat there trying our best to contain our laughter as he tried his best to calm her down “But I was only kidding my love. Please don’t be angry, I just wanted to see if you were jealous. Like me” he said softly, he looked like a kid. His pure white hair falling like a curtain on either side of his face as he hung his head in shame “You could’ve f*****g asked dipshit. Now I can’t even storm out because I’ll make a scene. You know what? No hugs and kisses for the next two days” she whisper yelled at him he snapped his head up his eyes pleading “No rakkaani, please not that. I won’t survive without that” he said pleadingly but her gaze hardened. s**t she looks like Crystal when she’s pissed, FYI don’t piss off a powerful white witch. We had fox tails and bunny ears for a month. “You won’t die because then I would bring you back and kill you again” she said through clenched teeth. I silently got up and gestured for Katie to follow me. I decided dancing was safer at this point. That little woman had a temper. On our way home I had to figure out how to get them to come with us or that we could sleep over. You see this would’ve been easy if my dear Beta didn’t provoke her but what’s done is done. But we can’t leave them there alone with a rogue lurking around. Our scents are masked, because you can smell us for miles but if someone saw us with them and they knew us, which is highly unlikely we needed to protect them. “Hey prince” Katie chimed from the back seat “Yes little genius” I answered her “Do you wanna watch a movie with me when we get home? I got the latest animated movie” she said and I nodded yes “That’ll be great, I love animation!” I said enthusiastically and she smiled. Mila not so much but she shrugged not going to deny her sister this. We pulled up and I got out opening the door for Katie, we made our way to the apartment. Dimitri hung back a little “I don’t smell him anymore do you?” he asked and I shook my head no “But let’s just stay over, just in case” I whispered and he nodded “She hates me Cay, I don’t know why I did that” he said honestly “It was pretty stupid, but now you have the whole night to sort it out” I said smiling “Oh hell no, I’m watching the movie with you” he quickly said and I chucked “Pansy” I joked and he glared daggers at me as we entered the apartment. The girls changed into their pajamas, we took off our jackets, ties and shoes getting comfortable on the couch as Mila made popcorn and Katie started the movie. Halfway through Mila fell asleep against Dimitri’s shoulder, he just gave me a thumbs-up. Katie was snuggled under my arm and I couldn’t help but miss my sisters. They used to sit on either side of me when we watched movies. The movie ended and she yawned, I picked her up and tucked her into bed. “Good night my little genius” I said kissing her head “Good night my prince, thanks for tonight it was the best” she said closing her eyes. I smiled and switched off the light. Making my way back to the living room I found it empty. He probably took her to bed. “I sense someone” Nima said and the hair on the back of my neck stood up “Where?” I asked and he just hummed. I moved closer to the window peeking out into the empty street and on top of buildings. A movement of the rooftop caught my eye and I linked Dimitri. “Going out, I saw movement on the rooftop across the street. Be alert” and I cut the link. I closed the door softly and made my way to the opposite building. I scaled the fire escape with no effort but when I got there I only smelled a faint scent of apples. “Maybe someone was just up here watching stars or something” I told Nima “No, someone’s here. Let me take over” he said and I gave him control. I shifted and he jogged around silently sniffing the air. A whistling sound made him look up to the building on the east side. There was that figure again. He took a leap and for a second I panicked thinking he won’t make it but his feet landed firmly on the rooftop. Sniffing around the scent of apples were stronger “It’s not a rogue” I said through the link “No but I like it” he said and I chuckled “Come one let’s check around maybe that rogue is still around” I said and he nodded. We jumped from building to building sniffing the air but he’s gone. We even covered the whole block moving through shadows but it was clear. An hour later I entered the apartment again. Dimitri shot up from the couch, he was now in battle mode. “Anything highness?” he asked formally and I shook my head “Nothing, there was a figure on the roof but it’s gone now. I will take first shift, Nima is restless” I said and he bowed. This is serious, so all normal formalities are now in effect. I’m a prince he’s an elite. “I will take over in 4 hours highness. Good night” he said we bowed and he left. I stayed up walking around the dark apartment from window to window watching the streets and the rooftops and soon enough Dimitri came in. “Sleep now highness, I will take over.” I nodded and moved to the couch. I lay down and as soon as my eyes closed I fell asleep. A few hours later I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon. I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes, then a dancing Mila came into view. Just like mom. “Good morning highness” Dimitri said from the dining table “Morning Dimitri, report” I said standing up and stretching “Nothing out of order sir, but maybe we should get them out” he said looking at his coffee. Before I could answer Mila tapped me on the shoulder I turned around and she smiled handing me a cup of coffee “Morning Miss Mila, thank you” I said taking the coffee. It was perfect “Morning, breakfast is ready” she said turning toward the kitchen “Let me help you” Dimitri said and using his vampire speed the table was set and the food placed on the table “Now that could come in handy in future” Mila joked as we sat down “Katie! Breakfast!” she yelled down the hall and soon the little girl came darting to the table and nearly topple over onto my lap as she sat down with speed “Slow down little genius, the food won’t run away” I said chuckling placing her back in her seat “Hey princy. Sleep well?” she asked her beautiful little eyes bright “Yes thank you and you?” I asked as we dished up she nodded taking a big bite. “Highness we need to move them” Dimitri said through the link and I looked up at him and nodded. “So girls you ready to go to the castle?” I asked and they both stopped chewing. “Now?” Mila asked looking confused “Yes, no time like the present right?” I said smiling at Katie. Mila narrowed her eyes at us and I knew she won’t just up and leave. “What are you not telling us?” she said placing her fork down, staring us down “Well it might be nothing” Dimitri started but I held up my hand “Let’s eat first, this is delicious thanks miss Mila” I said gesturing with my eyes to Katie, she nodded catching my drift and let it go. We ate in silence and an hour later Katie was in her room playing while we’re in the living room while Mila interrogated us “What the hell is going on?” she said sternly. Dimitri winced at her tone but I just sat there looking at her, I’m waiting for her to calm down. I laid my head back and closed my eyes, their voices drifting away as I fall asleep. I was abruptly awakened by Dimitri’s voice and quickly sat up “My apologies, I drifted off there for a moment. What were you saying?” rubbing my temples I looked up at them Mila’s gaze softening. “You need sleep, come on” she said gesturing for me to get up but I shook my head “No I’m fine Miss Mila, thank you. So where were we?” I asked moving to the kitchen for another cup of coffee. “Highness please explain what’s going on, my love needs to leave” he pleaded I nodded gulping down the hot coffee and pouring another “Mila, something is not right. We believe someone is watching you. So please for your safety we need to take you to the Lycan realm. You will be safe there. I will stay back, you three go and get settled” I said sipping the coffee begging for it to wake me up “Highness, you can’t stay behind alone” Dimitri said sternly “Dimitri please, it’s not up for debate. I made my decision” I said back but he just stepped up “No I do not accept” he said anger flashing in his eyes “It’s final Dimitri, take them home” I said in my Alpha voice, even Mila flinched at my tone but I won’t back down. He bowed his head but I could hear the strain in his voice “As you wish your highness. I’ll leave for the lodge now and gather my belongings” he bowed again and kissed Mila on the cheek and left. I sighed and slumped down on the couch, placing the cup down I rubbed my face with my hands. “So that’s what a prince sounds like” Mila said taking the seat next to me. I gave her a side glance but shook my head “I hate doing this Mila, you have to understand. Rogues are dangerous, mostly they are scouts if in some kind of pack but if they’re alone and they know who we are they might hurt you, or worse kill you. If it wasn’t serious I would never do this, I realize uprooting your life especially with your brother still missing is difficult but please Mila I beg of you don’t fight me on this” I was basically on my knees begging her to understand. She sat back and crossed her arms letting out a defeated sigh “Fine, but I don’t want you to stay here alone. Dimitri is right let him stay here with you please” she pleaded taking my hand. I pulled my hand away and just shook my head no “Mila I’m a Lycan, I’ve yet to meet a creature that can defeat me. You can’t go to our realm alone, the stress of the sudden move and a strange place with strange people it might be too much. Please Mila you have both been through enough in the past year. Let me do this for you” I said holding her gaze. Her eyes welled up with tears and she smiled before hugging me tightly whispering in my neck “You’re going to be a great king one day. And I’m honored to know I’ll be there to see it. No one has ever shown us such kindness you and Dimitri have the past few weeks. Thank you” I hugged her and she stood up wiping at her tears “Thank you for accepting my brother, the Moon Goddess sure chose well when it came to you Miss Mila” she smiled and left to pack. I took out my phone and dialed my father “Hey fearless one!” he bellowed over the phone just as Katie came walking in. She walked over to me and sat down next to me. “Hey dad, how are you?” I asked and he laughed “Well your sisters are dating, goddess forbid, and Leo well he’s Leo. Hey you want to say hi to mom, wait let me just find her you ca-“ I cut him off “Maybe later dad. I need help” I said and I heard him still “Alright what do you need?” he asked formally. And here is the king “Mila, Dimitri’s mate and her sister needs to get to the kingdom as soon as possible. I think someone is around here not belonging to a pack” I tried to sound casual hoping he’d get it. He did “Oh is the little one with you now?” he asked “Yes she is, she’s very smart dad” I said smiling at Katie “Let me speak to her” he said and I switched the phone to loud speaker “Katie someone wants to talk to you” I said and her eyes went wide “Is it the king?” she asked softly but my dad heard her because he chuckled “Yes it is little one, so you want to come live here huh?” he said in his fatherly voice “Y-yes majesty” she replied shyly and my dad’s booming laugh echoed through the room “Well I look forward to meeting you both. Now you need to go pack okay?” he said his voice gentle “Okay majesty, see you soon” she said and darted to her room. I switched the phone back and placed it against my ear “Thanks dad” I said and his voice was back to normal “Cayden you sound tired. Is it the rogue?” he asked concerned “No I didn’t sleep much Nima is restless so that’s why we want to get them to safety” I said “I will send the plane. Are you coming home too?” he asked and I heard the hopefulness in his voice “No, I’m staying behind. This missing person case, if you want to call it that, together with the rogues and uncovented vampires are too coincidental. So Dimitri will go back with them” my dad was silent for a while before he spoke “He agreed to that?” he asked and I let out a tired breath “No, I ordered him to” I laid my head back closing my eyes. My dad chuckled “Oh he’s so much like Mihai. Alright be safe, and let them be at the airport in 3 hours. Love you son” he said “Will do, thanks dad love you too” and I ended the call. 4 hours later I was standing on the tarmac watching the private plane taxi to the runway. The goodbyes were sad but I knew this was for the best.
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