
1158 Words
   "Are you guys crazy?"  Viara asked in a loud voice. "My brother couldn't have done that. You must have the wrong person. My brother is not a murderer!"     The door opened again from the outside and Reon rushed in.  His face was full of anger.  Aldrich immediately blocked his partner, but Reon suddenly pushed him away.     Reon bowed in front of Viara.  His sharp gaze pierced Viara's eyes.    "Your brother is a murderer. He has killed many people. He even killed my family!"    Although frightened, Viara's head shook again. "No, that's impossible, my brother is not that kind of person. He won't kill people!"    "It's up to you what you want to say, for sure your brother must die!"    "My brother couldn't have killed. He's innocent. You guys have been wrongly accusing him!"    "You think we're just making arbitrary accusations?"    Viara shook her head while sobbing.  The girl kept saying the same thing with a choked up voice.  Reon's right hand rose, about to slap the girl in front of him.    "Reon!"  Aldrich exclaimed as he grabbed his partner's hand. "Don't get emotional. She doesn't know anything."    Reon stepped back.  His black eyes still stared at Viara.  The girl looked back at him with wide eyes.    "He doesn't know that his brother is a bad person. We are told the people closest to us are murderers, we also certainly won't believe it," continued Aldrich again.  Ron was silent and nodded.  Aldrich then put his arm around the man's shoulder and led him out of the place.     When the door closed again, Viara took a deep breath.  Tears flowed slowly.  She then shook her head.  This is not the time to cry.  She must find a way to help Vino. ***     Vino walked slowly.  He had just come home when he saw a piece of paper lying on the floor of his living room.  Someone asked him to come to that secluded place if he wanted to save Viara.  Of course Vino complied with that request.  After losing his parents, he didn't want to lose his sister either.     "You're already here," said a voice that was none other than Aldrich's.  Beside him stood Reon with Viara.     "Vino, tell them. Tell them you are innocent. Tell them all just a misunderstanding!"  cried Viara.     Vino nodded.  He slowly stepped closer. "Calm down, Ara. Nothing will happen."     He turned his gaze to Aldrich. "Tell me, what is this?"     "You don't need to know. You just have to die!"  Reon growled while pointing the g*n at the bespectacled man.     Viara's face grew paler.  She was increasingly frantic thinking of ways to save her brother.    "Reon, we have to ask...."    Aldrich's words weren't finished when he heard gunshots.    "Vino!"  Viara shouted while crying.  In front of the three people, Vino's figure collapsed in blood.  Even so the shots that turned out to be from a distance did not stop.     "We have to get out of here!"  Aldrich exclaimed as he grabbed Viara's hand.  The girl shook her head and insisted on approaching Vino's body which was lying on the ground.  There were tears streaming down Viara's face, while Vino turned to her sister and shook her head weakly.  A bullet then also penetrated Aldrich's body.     "Aldrich!"  shouted Reon when he saw his comrade also fall with blood flowing out from his back waist.     "Go, quickly get out of here!"  shouted Aldrich as he pulled a g*n from his pocket.  He then again told Reon to take Viara away from there.  Reon still remained silent.  So is Viara.  They ducked behind the tall grass that surrounded them as the bullets continued to blow.     "Reon, you have to get out of here. Take him with you!"  Aldrich ordered again. "I'll stay here to stop them!"     Reon shook his head. "We can go together."    "Reon, have you forgotten your promise to obey me? You must obey and get out of here!"    Reon still shook his head.  Viara who was looking at the man noticed that there was anxiety on Reon's face.    "I'll stay here. I'll fight them too!"  said Reon.  Aldrich shook his head.  He once again insisted that Reon go from there with Viara.    "This matter is going to be a mess. Everything will be in vain if the three of us die here. Go first. You also know I'm great. I can definitely get away from them and find you guys," said Aldrich then.     Reon still seemed to object, but as Aldrich kept pushing, Reon finally agreed.     "You should be fine and find us!"  said Reon finally.  Aldrich just nodded.  His face was pale, but a smile crossed his lips which were also almost as white as paper.      Reon grabbed Viara's hand.  The girl thought about refusing.  She also wanted to know Vino's condition.  The choice to go with Reon was also bad according to her, especially since the man had kidnapped and almost killed her brother.  However, when she regained her senses, she knew running was the best option at this point, even if it was with Reon.      The two of them ran with their heads down to avoid the bullets, rushing towards the car parked not far away.  The pain was so intense that Viara frowned.  When she turned her head, she saw a trickle of fresh blood on her right shoulder.  She and Reon then immediately got into the car.  Not long after, the car was turned on by Reon and drove fast through the dark road at night. ***     Viara opened her closed eyes.  She didn't know when she had fallen asleep.     'Perhaps actually I was unconscious because of yesterday's injury,' she muttered to herself, glancing at her right shoulder.  Blood was still seeping there.     "It's not bad, maybe it's just a scratch," said Reon who was still sitting beside her.  The car being driven now stopped at the beach which looked deserted.  The man then held out the medicine box.     "You'd better treat your wound immediately," he ordered.  Viara just nodded then accepted the medicine box.  Reon then rushed out of the car, leaving Viara alone.     It's really troublesome to have to treat and bandage wounds alone.  If only Vino was with her, her brother would immediately intervene to treat her while grumbling.  The memory brought tears to Viara's face.  Her brother may now even be passed away.     'Why is all this happening to us?  All is well, then....'     Viara shook her head.  All was well until she met two people who were looking for her brother, Reon and Aldrich. ***     Reon looked straight at the beach.  The day had turned to morning and the sun was also getting brighter.  He didn't understand what was really going on.  Everything should go smoothly.  But now he didn't even know where Aldrich was and the fate of his partner.  Maybe he was wrong to have left Aldrich alone.      His demeanor turned wary when he realized someone was about to attack from behind.
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