
Killer From The Future

small town

He is who come from the future. Although between the hate, he still save and protect you from the enemies. But the killer is out there. They want to kill you. Make your and his life in dangerous everytime

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    "Should we do this?"  asked a man dressed all in black to another man standing beside him.     "This is a mission we must carry out. If you are in doubt it's best not to come!"     The first man nodded doubtfully after hearing that answer.  Their mission was none other than to kill the person who inhabited the whitewashed house in front of them.  Not without reason.  All because the inhabitants of the house are the people who will bring destruction to the earth in the future. ***      A middle-aged man with gray hair was standing looking out the large window in the room.  The room he was in was located in a giant skyscraper.  There was nothing on the outside.  There was only a veil of black mist, obscuring the view from what was really visible outside.      The sound of the door opening and footsteps entering the room made him turn around.     "How?"  he asked, looking at the person who had just arrived.  The person was not alone, there were two people who came with him.     "They are the ones I chose to carry out this mission."     The middle-aged man's gaze turned to the two young men dressed in all black in front of him.  Immediately the two saluted him.  The man nodded and patted both of them on the shoulder in turn.      "What is your name?"  he asked.      "Aldrich Marino," answered the one then immediately followed the man beside him,      "Reonhart Harim."      The gray haired man smiled slightly. "You guys look great. Surely you can carry out this mission well. Remember you will be heroes if you can prevent the current events. For that, you must do well. Don't let it cause new problems."      Reon and Aldrich nodded in unison.  Soon the two of them set off.  The missions are fairly easy, they only need to kill someone in the past to prevent future tragedies.  And now they were in front of the house of the person they had to kill. ***      Viara Mallika stepped cheerfully.  She had just returned from work.  Today is her brother's birthday.  His older brother, Vino Rulio, was the one who took care of her after their parents died together in a mysterious accident.  Viara could never understand this.  Her father and mother were fine when they went out together, but later the news that she and her brother received, both of them died because the car the father was driving jumped into a ravine.      The incident hit Vino and Viara's mind.  Moreover, no one really knows what happened.  The police informed her and Vino that his parents committed suicide because nothing unusual was found in the accident.  It was certainly not acceptable to Vino and Viara, even so they could not do much.  Time passed and finally all the hurt and sadness from the incident began to fade.  Vino and Viara live their lives again.      Vino dropped out of college and worked odd jobs after that sad event.  Now their life has improved and it's all thanks to Vino's hard work.  After graduating from college, Viara also worked.  She just got his first salary which coincided with her brother's birthday.  For that, she purposely came home early and brought a birthday cake for Vino.     The girl's steps then stopped when she saw two unknown men standing in front of her house.     'Who are they?  Are they Vino's friends?'  she asked herself.  She then decided to greet them.     "Are you friends of Vino? You must be coming for his birthday. Why are you waiting outside? Let's go inside," she asked kindly.     Hearing the voice, one of the unknown men who was named Reon immediately rushed over.  Viara steps back when she saw the look on the face of the unknown man.  For some reason she felt that something was wrong. She sure the man had bad intentions for her brother.     "You must be Viara Mallika, tell us where is your brother now?"  Reon asked brusquely.  Viara's face changed even more, it was true that the two people standing in front of the house had bad intentions towards Vino.     "I-I... I don't know," replied Viara hoarsely.     "Reon, don't be rude to her!"  said Aldrich. "We're here to find her brother, not to harm an unrelated person."     "He must be related. Didn't you read the data? He is Vino Rulio's younger sister!"     Viara was stunned for a moment.  She then realized that Reon's attention was shifted to his partner, the girl then decided to leave from there.  But just as she stepped forward, Reon had grabbed her hand.     "Where are you going? You must come with us!"     Viara screamed in fear and want asked for help.  Reon immediately hit the girl's neck hard until Viara fell unconscious.     "Reon, what are you doing?"  said Aldrich as he approached.     "We'll take her. That way, her brother will definitely come see us." ***     Viara's eyes blinked slowly.  She was about to open her eyes, but somehow they felt so heavy.  Her head also felt so dizzy.  Even so, a moment later she forced herself to open her eyes.     The girl looked around and realized she was in a strange place.  The place looked like it had been abandoned for a long time.  A sliver of sunlight that penetrated through the window revealed traces of dust and cobwebs in the not-too-large room.     'Where am I now?  What happened to me?'  Viara asked herself.  Then she remembered what happened to her last night.  Viara's face turned panicked.  She was about to leave in hurry, but then realized again that the rope tied her legs and arms behind her back.     'I have to do something and get out of here!' She determinated in her heart.  However, before she could come up with a plan, the door to the room opened and Aldrich stepped inside.     Viara is scared.  Her heart was beating so loudly as if it was about to jump out.  Even so, she still stared intently at the figure of the man in front of her.     "We're sorry you had to use you like this. It's just that Reon was right, this way we can meet your brother more quickly," said Aldrich calmly. "We will not harm you."      "You keep talking about my brother. What's he really got into with you guys?"  asked Viara courageously.  Vino had done many things for her, as much as possible she also wanted to protect her brother.      "Your brother is going to do something bad. For that, we have to stop him."      "No, there's no way my brother is like that!"  said Viara, shaking her head.      "You may not believe it, but your brother will kill a lot of people."     Viara still shook her head.  She still didn't want to believe it.  There must be something wrong with all of this.     "We're sorry," Aldrich continued. "To prevent murder, we must kill him first."

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