Come Here

1950 Words
A Day To Remember- Miracle Jimenez: "Mijo," my godfather places both his hands on my face. I try to offer up a smile to him and my godmother but it only goes so far. "Papa," I greet him. "Mama," "Ay, mijo," my godmother wraps her arms around me. I look up at him and smirk. He laughs patting my back. "Igual que tu papa," he compliments. Just like my father. What a thing to say. We head towards their hacienda-themed mansion as Ernesto, my best capo, brings him up to date with our business. He loves that we're making more money than ever. It's a little past three in the morning. I feel exhausted. Not physically. Physically, I feel like I can conquer the f*****g world but mentally. All I want to do is sleep. I can't stop thinking about what happened. Everything I've learned. Who the f**k am I if not a Jimenez? "Set up a meeting with Diablo this afternoon," Papa says when we arrive. "Tell him to invite his little girlfriend," My guys open the back of the limo for us. I climb out first and offer my hand out to my godmother. She smiles at my s**t attempt at chivalry. Papa and Ernesto follow. He leans in and looks to the top of the three-story manor. Sitting on the roof is Belladonna Blackstone. One leg hanging off the edge of the Hacienda rooftop. f**k. "Are you hungry?" I ask. "No, mijo. A dormir," my godmother gives my shoulder a squeeze before turning to my godfather. "Todos," "Andale pues, Isabella," he motions for her to go inside. She goes up ahead. "Who is that?" "Diablo's girlfriend," I answer truthfully. He smirks. "Es cabrona?" "No," I shake my head remembering the way she felt in my arms. "She's just really spoiled," "Mmm. What's her name?" "Belladonna Blackstone," I answer. He hisses giving me a wide grin. "La hija de Dante El Terrible," he nods. "Pues, todo probrecho. No te vayas a dormir muy trade," He walks inside of the well-lit hacienda and heads up to the second floor where the master bedroom is. It's three in the morning. Late was a long time ago. If anything, we've already started the day. She jumps down like it's nothing to her and I suppose being what we are, jumping down from those heights is nothing. From what Lucien has been teaching me, we're pretty indestructible. It makes sense. "Hey," she greets me dropping down in front of me. "What are you doing here, Bonita?" I ask wanting to reach for her. My body is tensed up tightly. I move over to the steps and take a seat. I need to get off my feet if only for a moment. Whatever she did to me to keep me alive. I feel it in my body. I've been trying to stay still all day and failed. Not to mention that since I kissed her. I swear I feel her all around me. Like I swallowed a part of her and she's calling it back to her. Pulling me in so she can take it back. She smiles and sits down next to me a few inches away. How did she even find this place? We're deep in the woods. Did she walk here? Is she insane? It's freezing. She's wearing shorts and a crop top. "I wanted to make sure you were okay," she sighs as she pulls her legs up and wraps her arms around them. I take my blazer off and put it over her shoulders. She looks up at me with her big beautiful eyes and smiles. It's meant to be innocent but I swear this girl is some kind of f*****g demon. I've never seen anything more perfect than her. She's the perfect predator. Made to lure nightmares out to devour them. I should know. I'm one of them and a part of me knows that I'd do just about anything to have her. To be able to hold her. It's an odd thing to feel because I've never really cared about s**t like that. "I'm fine. Earlier I felt a sort of-" "High?" she offers up when I can't describe what it was I felt. I nod but I wouldn't phrase it like that. The energy that swept my body was powerful. "That was Luisito's soul," I sit back taking in what she just said. Lucien told me what was going to happen and that we were all going to feed from it. He said the darker the soul the better it feels and man, I felt like I was in f*****g heaven. I don't know how to feel about anything just yet. I'm not sure I know what it means or if I want to believe in it. It just doesn't hurt right now. Everything is overshadowed by this girl and I don't want it to go away. "I understand everything that was explained. I just don't understand why," I tell her. She nods. "Me too," she pulls my coat around her tightly. "I'm fairly new to this myself. I didn't know why I was the way I was until a few weeks ago when Luis assaulted Stacy. It's been hard to wrap my mind around a lot of it. Most of it," her eyes met mine. "Okay, all of it," she admits and tries to hide in my coat. "What's your least favorite part?" I ask wanting to keep her talking. She stands up and stops in front of me. I look up as she steps in front of me and crouches down. "This," she admits. I'm about to ask what but she gets up and pushes me back until she's straddling me. Her hands slide up my stomach and chest slowly. I groan loving the way it feels. She's cold. I reach for her wrists. It's not just her hands she's freezing. All of her. "You're cold," I sit up pulling her closer to me. Her body curves into mine perfectly, like she was made specifically for me. "You're hot," she whispers in my ear. A growl rumbles out of my chest as cold pleasurable ripples flash through my body. I've never made a sound like that before. "I haven't stopped thinking about you, Hermosa," I admit. "Really?" she asks. I nod. "I swear there's a piece of you inside of me," "There is," she laughs. I look up at her. Her blue sapphire hair falls around us like a curtain. "What I did to you. I offered up a little sliver of my soul to keep death from taking you and trust me when I say, he wanted to take you," "Why would you do that? You don't know me," I try to pull back. "No," she shakes her. "And yes. I do know you. I don't want to talk right now," she grinds against me. "I need you to warm me up," I don't hesitate. I wrap my arm around her, cupping her perfect round ass to hold her to me. She lets out playful little giggles as I take the steps two at a time to get her up to my bedroom here. My mouth is on hers before I can change my mind. If Carson Hayashi catches us, he's going to be pissed but if Lucien finds us. We're both f*****g dead. There's a certain kind of thrill in this. My heart is pounding telling me how wrong it is but I want her. From the moment I sat down in front of her in that stupid little burger shop the afternoon after my sister was burned alive. I wanted to kill her. The way she looked at me. The f*****g wicked gleam in her eyes doesn't match her sweet innocent features. The way she carries herself. This girl is f*****g monster. I hated how aware of me she was but it wasn't just the sense of violence I usually feel. I hated Diablo for having something like this. She's more than aware of what sits next to her and she doesn't give a single f**k. That's hard to find in this line of work. I unbutton her little black high-waisted shorts and pull them down her long powerful legs. She takes really good care of herself. I look down at her exposed skin. Her stomach is nice and tight, she almost has a six-pack and I'm sure it would be visible if she flexed. These legs are perfectly toned. Clean. Smooth like satin. I've never had a rich girl like this before. There's not a single hair on her beautiful ivory skin. I smile when I see she's not wearing a bra. Her hands rest above her. The roundness of the bottom of her breasts is peaking from under her crop top. Her long blue hair is laying over the white bedspread. She looks like a f*****g demon. She sees me hesitate and laughs as she sits up. "Come here," she pulls me into her by linking her fingers through the belt loops of my slacks. Belladonna Blackstone pulls my dress shirt out and begins to unbutton it from the bottom. She leans in as she exposes my skin and begins to trail soft kisses on my stomach as she moves up to my collar. My skin is raising up in goosebumps. I feel them even on my face and my scalp. Even her face, lips, and tongue are cold. She's not exactly small. She's tall. Five eight, nine maybe. Sturdy, thick, and sexy as hell. I've never thought to look twice at girls like this. Their aristocratic demeanors bother me. Entitled, spoiled, and with massive egos. Although she's displayed all these things she doesn't strike me as one. She looks the part and plays it to perfection but it's just a mask. I want to know who she really is. I want all of it. "Estas hermosa, Belladonna," "Oh, my god," she looks up at me. Her eyes are dark. Almost black. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me to her. I laugh lowering her onto the bed. My mouth is on hers again. She's trying to take control but I don't let her this time. The only reason I hesitated was because of f*****g Lucien. I've seen that f*****g sociopath lose his s**t more than once and while I hate knowing I might be afraid of someone, you just don't f**k with Lucien Daniels. But here I am with my hands all over his f*****g woman with no intention of stopping. I reach between us slipping my hand under her lacy black panties. Her entire body trembles as I slip my fingers into her slick wet p***y. She's soaking wet. Is it normal for her to be this f*****g cold? Even her insides are cold. "Are you okay?" I ask pulling away. "Is it the cold?" she pants nodding. "It's the black mamba," "The what?" "One of my demons. I have a reaper and a snake. It's why I'm cold. Why I need you and Lucien, and Carson," she looks down like she's ashamed. I tilt her head back making her look up at me. "Okay," I agree. If she says this is what she needs. Then I'm going to give it to her. No questions asked. She saved me. They both did and while I know Lucien hates that he had a hand in all of this, I owe him just as much as I owe her. If this is what she wants from me. I'm going to give it to her, to him. Anything. Assuming he knows she's here. "Whatever you need,"
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