Mucho Mejor

1898 Words
Nine Inch Nails- Closer B.B.: Rodrigo Jimenez is a beautiful man. I thought he'd be much older. Not that he looks it. His demeanor is just that much more experienced that the rest of us. His tattooed hands are exploring all of my body. His white dressy shirt is off. His fancy trousers are on the floor somewhere. I can feel the coldness of the golden crucifix around his neck between my breast as he kisses me the way he did on my dining room table. My mind is spinning with his scent, his heat, his possessive groping. "Please," I plead, needing more of him all over me. Inside of me. "Que quieres, Hermosa," he whispers huskily in my ear. I've been speaking Spanish since I was a kid. My grandparents on my mother's side didn't speak a lick of English but the way Rodrigo speaks it. It's obviously his first language and it just rolls right off his tongue. The language of f*****g Aztec gods that can bring the wraths of the heavens down with a single command. That's what he sounds like. What it feels like to hear him speak to me in Spanish. "More," I'm panting uncontrollably as my hands slide up and down his back with desperation. He slowly begins to pepper kisses along my jaw going lower and lower until his mouth is sucking my left n****e into his mouth. I arch up against him as he swirls my n****e with his tongue. His thumb is working my clit and I swear I've never been this turned on before. Lucien and Carson always give in but not Rodrigo. No, he's being a piece of s**t and taking his sweet ass time with me. That's not what I need right now. My body is f*****g freezing. I feel stiff all over. "Relax," he warns. "I can't," I growl pushing him back. I straddle him reaching between us to grab him in my hand tightly. He groans trying to stop me until his eyes meet mine. He stays still. "I. Need. More," I warn him as I stroke my hand up and down his shaft a few times before I position myself over him. He grabs my shoulders and rolls us over. "Rodrigo-" "Alright, Princessa," he pins my hands over my head. "You made your point. I got it," he positions himself between my legs slowly stroking the tip of his monster d**k up and down my opening. "Relajate," He pushes the tip in. My arms wrapped around his shoulders as a low cry escapes my throat. My body breaks out in goosebumps as he slowly pushes all the way inside of me. Finally, warmth spreads through my body and my tight muscles all relax for him. He's panting heavily as he inches inside of me. "You're so f*****g tight," he groans against my ear. "You're so big," I choke out. That earns me a throaty chuckle followed by a strained groan of relief when he's all the way inside. The two of us just lay here for an instant. "You're brand new to all of this aren't you?" he whispers in my ear. He pulls out almost all the way and slowly pushes back inside of me. "Fuuuuck," I sigh and he does it again and again until I'm light-headed. Until I can't remember my name or his. Who I am or all the f****d up things that I've done and seen. They are nowhere to be found. Rodrigo is a gentle lover. He likes to enjoy what he has in his grasp. It's unexpected because he looks like he could just wrap his huge tattooed hands around my throat and kill me. I'd probably welcome it at this point. There's a mirror over the bed and I see exactly what this looks like from above. He has two huge black wings tattooed on his back with the words UNTIL DEATH written in between them in an old English font. His back is thickly muscled. My legs are wrapped around him. His perfectly sculpted ass is clenching and unclenching as he pushes in and out of me nice and slow. I push his head down to my neck so I can see better. He pulls away a little to look at me. "Que estas haciendo?" he asks with a crooked little smirk. I look up and he turns back a little and laughs before dropping his head into the crook of my neck again. I laugh making him groan as I clench around him. That feels amazing. Something inside of him snaps and I feel the change in him right away. He tenses up as his powerful arms tuck under my body. "Rodrigo?" I whisper nervously. "I'm sorry, baby," he growls into my ear. "I can't hold it back anymore," "Don't," I place my hand on his head. "Don't hold back," "Belladonna," the way my name rolls off his tongue as he begins to rock his hips a little faster. "s**t," I feel him all the way in my stomach. "Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god," that's all that comes out of my mouth. My voice is strained and filled with excitement. He takes that as his cue to f**k me into f*****g oblivion. "Rodrigo," He pulls away pushing my legs up to my chest as he continues to pound into me. I'm f*****g screaming now his body is a bright pink shade, his skin is smoking, and his eyes are completely black. I feel the coldness inside of me fading with each rapid stroke. My hands fist the white duvet and suddenly there are black feathers in the air around us. I look up to see the reaper laying next to us with a huge grin on her face. She has her boney hand up. There's a crow perched on it with its wings stretched wide. "Good girl," she says. "You're such a good girl, B.B," "f**k," Rodrigo roars. He pulls out of me and pulls me up into his arms. My back hits a wall and I'm lifting my legs up around him again as he slams into my opening again. "Mia," he growls. "Tu eres mia. Mia, mia, mia, mia," "Yes, yes," I cry out watching as the black feathers continue to fall all around us. My eyes are watery as he ruts deep inside of me relentlessly. There are dark spots in my vision. I'm completely lost to this and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's all too good to stay aware. I let go of everything and just give in to the pleasure he's giving me. When I open my eyes again, we're both laying on the bed. His arms are around me, I can feel him breathing down the back of my neck and I honestly love it. I hear the click of a gun being loaded. I look over to see an older man standing in the doorway with a colt pointed at us. I sit up using the sheets to hide my body. I'm not scared just a little surprised "Buenos Dias," he greets me. I smile. "Good morning," I greet him back. Rodrigo stirs a little but he doesn't wake up. "Can I get dressed?" "Andale," he waves the gun over to where my clothes are laying on the floor. I slowly get out of bed. My legs buck a little. They're still trembling from what happened between Rodrigo and me just a few hours ago. I pull my clothes on. The man's eyes don't linger on me and I give him some credit. He is at the very least a gentleman. I slip my shoes on and I follow after him when he takes a step back. He even shuts the door behind me. "Where too?" I ask. "El comedor," he answers. I walk over to the stairs and slowly go down so he knows I'm not going to run. "I don't actually know where it is. It's my first time here," I stop at the bottom of the stairs. "Derecha," he instructs and I go right. There's a woman already there serving breakfast. She smiles at him and then turns her gaze to me. Her eyes. Just like Rodrigo's. "Hungry?" she asks with a thick Mexican accent. "Famished," I nod. She laughs and motions me to take a seat. "I'd like to clean up first if you don't mind. I had quite the night or early morning," "Bathroom," she points at the door at the end of the room. This place is beautiful. The walls are a pretty soft yellow, it's rustic and open. This place is alive. I relieve myself in the bathroom and straighten up as best as I can. I'm glad I didn't have any makeup on. I am, however, missing my glasses. Where did I leave them? Upstairs, for sure. I'm going to have a migraine from forcing my eyes later. I walk out to find the gun still pointed at me. I smile at his godfather again as he motions for me to take a seat. I do as he asks. I could have taken the gun from him a few times now. Ashley paid top dollar for my self-defense classes. I press my fingers into my eyes trying to soothe the ache that's already starting. I blink a few times but there's no relief. "Que tienes?" he demands. "It's my eyes. I left my glasses upstairs," I tell him. "I'm fine," "What the f**k?" Rodrigo appears behind him with my glasses and my phone in his hand. I instantly feel my face heat up and I can't hold his gaze. "Que estas haciendo, Papa?" "Sientate," his godmother taps the head of the table. She takes a seat next to me and her husband takes a seat across from her. Rodrigo takes a seat and places my things next to the plate brimmed with food in front of me. I take my glasses and put them on feeling a little better. "Mejor?" "Si," I nod. "Mucho Mejor," "How old are you, Bonita?" she asks. "Seventeen," I answer. She looks up at her godson with a glare. "Oyiste?" she asked him. "I heard her," he rolls his eyes. "Donde esta tu mama?" she asks me now. "Good question. I'll answer it when she calls me back," I lie. "Mmm, quien te esta cuidando?" "I am," I tense up when my dad walks in. They all turn to look at him. "Wait, I thought mortals couldn't see you," I say as he pulls a chair out and takes a seat. "She's a snake," he smiles. "He's a crow," "How does that work?" I ask looking between them. "Different Stones. Interesting, He's your son," dad points at the man next to him. "And Hortensia Jimenez wasn't your real mother," I look up at Rodrigo to see him staring at his Godfather or rather his biological father intently. His expression is stoic but his eyes are on fire. I let out a heavy sigh and shake my head. My dad's eyes clash with mine and for a second, the entire room goes still. I can't f*****g believe him right now. What a d**k. "Can I speak to you alone?" I ask. When my voice breaks the silence, the three other people in the room shiver. "Now, dad,"
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