Chapter 13

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It's two in the morning and Liam hasn't come home, he hasn't even returned any of my calls or Ethan's. We're completely clueless about what's happening with him now.  This isn't like him to be out all night without checking in. Something must have happened to him. How could he be so careless? He knows how much I worry when he's out like this and now he doesn't even answer the phone. I've left voice message after voice message telling him to at least text and say that he's okay but he hasnt. What could be so important that he hasn't returned? He has some serious explaining to do once he gets here.  "You should get some rest we don't want you too tired for tomorrow," Ethan says as he grabs his keys from the countertop. I watched him as he walked to the door out of sight and I heard him grabbing what I think is his jacket.  "Where are you going," I ask. Standing and following him to the door. I could see the worry in his eyes but he still tried to make it seem as if it wasn't a big deal. He was worried about his brother and I was worried about my Fiance.  "Bringing Liam home. By the time you wake up, he'll be here and you can give him hell all you want." he smiled and kissed the top of my head.  "You know where he is?! I'm going with!" I searched for my shoes and grabbed my coat. if he thinks  I'm waiting until tomorrow to give him hell than he has another thing coming to him. He had me worried sick and now that I know he's okay I'm going to hurt him.  "Baby I've got this and plus you need rest. You said you were serious about having this job, don't let us down" I thought about what he said and he's right. I did want this job but Liam is more important than a damn job. As long as I knew he was okay and Ethan at least knew where he was I'd be okay with going to bed now.  "Hit him in the balls for me" "Of course baby" we kissed and I let him go and bring back our headache. I swear he's like a problem child that I just can't stay mad with because he's so cute and his intentions are to protect me. I love that i***t. *************** Liam "Is that him?" I hear a voice. My head is hurting from the amount of alcohol that I consumed and now people want to talk an make this headache worse than it already is.  "Yeah, that's him. Thanks for letting me in" Ethan? "No problem. Just tell your brother he cant just sleepover I almost had a heart attack when I saw him in here"  "Trust me he will not"  Finally opening my eyes I saw Ethan and what I assume to be April's roommate Maggie standing by the door watching me. Groaning I try and stretch my arms but something weighs it down. April slept on my chest while both of my arms secured around her. This looks really bad. s**t! "Ethan, this is not-" "Save it, Liam, just get up so we can head home" The look in his eyes held fire as if he wanted to kill me but he acted accordingly and didn't make a big deal in front of Maggie.  But- But nothing let's go before Abby wakes up Dammit I know she's going to think the worst of me when she hears this, I just hope she believes me when I tell her nothing happened between April and me.  You should go, Liam. I'll see you around" April spoke shocking all of us in the room as I thought she was asleep. Her face remained neutral but her eyes told me that she just wanted to be alone.  I stood and left, walking past Maggie with an awkward look as hse smirked from April to myself. I knew what she was thinking but she couldn't be more wrong. April has been through a lot I just wanted to help her in her time of need. She helped me allowing me to stay over which I regret but I appreciate so much.  "Goodbye Liam"  "See you around April" We made our way out of the two-bedroom apartment and into the car. I sat in silence thinking over what all has gone down last night and as much I feel sorry for not coming home I feel even more sorry for what happened to April as a child. She didn't deserve that, no one deserves that to happen to them ever.  "You're in deep s**t Liam," Ethan said while keeping his eyes on the road. I knew it to be true. I am in deep s**t because even though nothing happened between April and I. it still seems as if it was and Ethan finding me was no better. I wanted to punch something so bad because I know this is about to get messy.  "Shut up Ethan" I looked back out of the window and sighed.  "I know you dint sleep with the girl Liam but what would Abby think when she finds not only you slept at another woman's home but said woman happens to be Claire's little sister"  I closed my eyes and tried my best not to punch him in the face. Mr. Do no wrong was telling me this as if I don't already know how wrong it was of me. I knew I shouldn't have but I did and it's done. Abby may not believe what I have to say but I know this will blow over, with a lot of begging and being in the dog house for a few weeks I'll be able to be forgiven.  "Why would you even go there? I mean like her sister is the craziest person ever and she could be just like her with-"  "Don't talk about things you don't know to be true Ethan. She isn't like Claire" I defended without even thinking twice about it. She was very sweet and bubbly and very broken inside. I could see she just wanted a normal life like everyone else and I applaud her for her strength. She was stronger than half of these teenagers. She shouldn't be put down for things she could not control.  We finally pull up to our home. I take in a deep breath before exiting out of the car and walking up the path to the front door. Just as I was about to open the door Abby came out and looked murderous.  "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!"  *************************************************

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