Chapter 12

1094 Words
"shh..." April told me as we walked into the apartment. It was pitched black and eerily quiet.  We walked deeper inside the apartment with me bumping into any and everything. April grabbed my hand and lead me behind her to wherever. It wasn't like I was complaining though it helps me to stop almost breaking her things. She leads me to the back of the apartment and into the first room on the right. once inside the lights ere turned on and I could finally see again. The room was Gold, grey, and white with a vanity to the side and a bunch of teen magazines sprawled all over the floor.  I looked all and seen she had a mirror on her closet. Abby would one of those. I have to make a note of that. Makeup was all over the vanity and looked as if she used it and left straight after. Abby would never, she hates when she can't find a specific thing. one time she actually tried to break my arm off when I touched one of her brushes. I was only trying to see how it worked and she bent my arm all the way around and warned me not to ever touch her makeup again. After that, I never was in the room with her while she did her makeup. I guess women don't like it when their makeup is messed with.  I continued to stand and look around the room. April plopped down onto the bed with a sigh and looked at me. I didn't really know what to do but I knew I was way out of my comfort zone. I deeply regret coming here now. this is a very bad idea I had many rooms to choose from in my own home if I wanted to be alone but here I am at my ex's baby sister's home inside of her room. How f****d up does that sound?  "Hey, you want to know a secret?" She asked me and got up on her elbows.  "sure" "For one I don't bite so you don't have to stand so far away Liam," She motioned me to sit next to her and I did as told. Once I sat down next to her as she looked deeply into my eyes. usually, people would look away from me as my stare can be quite intense and uncomfortable for others but I guess not April. That's a first.  For about two minutes we both just looked at each other before she stood and left out of the room. The only thing I saw was the darkness as the door was left open. When she finally returned she held a big shoebox in her hands and I weird look on her face. I couldn't tell if she was shy or anxious. Maybe I was a little intoxicated but I knew whatever was in that box made her feel this way.  "Before I show you don't make a big deal about it and don't you dare tell anyone or so help me Liam I will hunt you down and kill you along with the weird brother" Her calling Ethan weird makes me chuckle every time because I've never known anyone to refer to my brother as being weird and dislike him for it. People usually think Ethan is the more reasonable and trusted twin.  I sat up and told her I would keep her secret. She was hesitant at first but after she pulled out a teddy bear and gave it to me. I was confused as to why she would have a teddy bear inside of a box and was so scared of me telling anyone about it. I looked at her for answers as she gestured for me to press a button at the back of the teddy bear.  When I did a voice I haven't heard in forever started to speak. It was Claire and I guess she was talking to a younger April. "Do you have everything that you need? we don't have any time to turn around once we get onto the road" I heard her speak. April sat next to me and we both listened to the conversation.  "April! keep that stupid teddy here and let's go now!" she ordered. I heard them arguing until finally, Claire let her bring the bear along. I heard them inside of a car and them listening to music and reminisce about times when they were younger. Finally, the car stopped.  "Stay here and don't move. I should be about an hour but you have your phone so stay on that okay?"  April grabbed the bear fast-forwarded the tape until I heard moaning and men grunting and laughing.  "April!Ii said to stay in the car"  "Who might this be Claire. You nver said you had a friend with you" A man spoke.  "She's not available asshole"  "Look how she holds that bear. Youre in need of a daddy little girl"  "I can be your daddy"  After that, i heard alot of screaming from Claire but i never heard a sound from April not even as the men raped her, she didnt make one sound. Horrified would be an understarment for what i was right now. I turned and found her analyzing my features before she laid her head on my shoulders and sighed a tired sound. I thought she was so bubbly and a all the round normal girl but i see now the real her. She was hurting and she was hurting bad.  "April I'm-" "Dont say that you're sorry because i didnt show you this fpr your sympathy. i showed this to you because i trust you and i want you to know me, the real me liam."  i could do nothing but hold her as she didnt express any emotion or didnt evem cry. i waned to kill each and every man in that room for harming a little girl.  "They said i was beatifully broken afater that. i would run into them back home time and time again until one day i decided i didnt want to be tormented anymore and moved. That's the real reason i moved away."  I listened to her and held her closer. She never told me that she was okay but i knew that she wasnt. Who woukd ever be the same after an tramatic experince like that. I feel for her and i dont think i would have the right words so i just hold her until we both fall asleep. 
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