Chapter 8 Caught?

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The music pulsed through the crowded bar as Meirah and Owen continued to dance on the dancefloor. While Owen also kept an eye on Camila's actions. Camila's eyes held resentment, anger, jealousy, and hatred for the people on the dancefloor. Opening her phone, she saw Lucian online. Feeling accomplished with her plot, she smiled coldly before taking a last look at the couple who were dancing on the dance floor. 'Let them enjoy before tasting the fruit of consequences,' Maya, Camila's wolf, said to her through the mind link. 'Yes. Everyone who went against me never got a happy ending,' Camila said to her wolf. They both chuckled at the smiles on Owen and Meirah's faces. 'Sweety, you don't know this smile won't last long,' Camila thinks in her mind before leaving. Owen, who saw Camila leaving their line of sight, only then let go of Meirah. Owen let out a relieved sigh. "Let's take a break," he said as he guided her down the dancefloor. He also noticed Meirah was panting from dancing carefreely. On the other hand, Despite feeling tired, Meirah felt happy and rejuvenated after letting her nerves loose. 'Damn, this feels great,' Meirah says. 'I think breaking the rules is not bad,' Zoya commented, listening to Meirah's words. 'Yes. I am myself for the first time! Not Luna or Lucian's wife. I feel good,' Meirah adds. "Meirah, don't you want to take a break?" Owen pops his words again. "Yes, We need to take a break. I need some water too. I am so thirsty," Meirah said, fanning her hand at her neck as if it could evaporate the sweat on her body. "Sure," he said as he guided her to a table near them. Both she and Owen walked to a table to sit in. Meirah couldn't help but feel a natural ease around Owen, as if they had known each other for much longer than they actually had. Zoya, her inner wolf, felt the same way, sensing a kindred spirit in Owen's presence. 'I must say, Owen, you have quite the charm,' Zoya playfully remarked through their mind link. 'He is so calm and 100000 times better than Lucian, the son of a b***h! While Owen had a kindred spirit,' Zoya added. Meirah looked at her wolf speechlessly as she took a gulp of water from the jug on the table. Meirah chuckled at Zoya's directness. 'Zoya, that's not fair. Lucian has his own qualities. Besides, I just met Owen. Let's not jump to conclusions. People always surprise us in a way that we couldn't predict,' she replied. 'No, Meirah. I feel as if I have known Owen for ages. His wolf energy resonated with ours. I get the very feeling of being with kin,' Zoya continues to ramble. 'I get it, Zoya. He is kind and handsome. On top of that, you like him. But let's not talk about him for now. Let's enjoy the moment. I tasted a bit of Freedom Fruit. I want to have it for some time. God knows when we will come back again,' Meirah said as she put a lock on her wolf's mouth. Meirah agreed with Zoya in the last part. Because Owen's easygoing nature made her feel at ease. But his question, however, caught her off guard. "So, do you have any family? And where did you grow up?" Owen inquired, seeming genuinely interested. Owen couldn't help but feel that Meirah looked familiar. It's as if he knew her for a long time. She looked like someone who was related to him. Not able to hold his thoughts, he asked it out, catching her off guard. He could see that she was confused by his confusion. She was really predictable. Meirah hesitated for a moment, finding the questions a bit strange for a first meeting. Nevertheless, she decided to answer honestly. "Yes, I have a family. My mother is the only family I have," she replied. "Oh," he responded. He didn't ask about her father, since, she didn't mention it. "Are you from an Aristocratic family?" he asked again. Meirah couldn't understand why he was so curious about her idea. And she didn't give any way of saying or showing that she was from an aristocratic family. Maybe she unconsciously put in the lessons she learned from her etiquette classes. "Hmm… I'm just an ordinary, powerless omega," she replied. Owen listened thoughtfully, his gaze intense yet gentle. "You're not just an ordinary omega, Meirah. There's something special about you," he said, making her blush again. All the time, she was always blamed for being weak and useless. Now, when someone called her special, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed. "Special? How can you tell?" Meirah asked, genuinely curious. She looked at him, waiting for his response. She looked for any kind of mockery or disdain, but she found none. Owen smiled warmly. "I can sense it and feel it in my bones. You have strength and resilience that are rare, even among werewolves. And besides, I have a knack for recognizing unique qualities in people," he said with a smile. Meirah blushed deeper at his compliment, feeling a warmth spreading through her chest. As their conversation continued, Owen asked another question, this time about her mother. "Your mother… Is she your biological mother?" he inquired, but he quickly realized it might be too personal. "I'm sorry, that was too intrusive. You don't have to answer." Meirah hesitated, but nevertheless, she answered. "Yes, she is my biological mother," she replied, watching Owen's expression change slightly. He seemed a bit lost in thought, but before she could ask about it, he redirected the conversation. "You know, Meirah, there's something about you that feels familiar. It's like we have a connection, even though we just met," he said, his eyes searching hers. Meirah felt the same way, and she nodded in agreement. "I feel it too, Owen. It's strange, but it's as if I've known you for a long time," she admitted, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity. "I'm glad you feel it too," Owen said, a soft smile gracing his lips. "You know what? I have a special drink the bartender makes for me. I'd love for you to try it." "Sure. Why not? Let's enjoy the night," she says with a charming smile that makes him look at her for a few seconds longer. "Let's walk to my private booth," he says, and he guides her to the booth. The booth was like a room, with a table and four couches around it. Only people with money can enjoy their time peacefully. Even though it's expensive, it's not like someone couldn't afford it. VIP booths were hard to book. Both were a little far away from the crowd, and the music made her ears rest at peace. "Ahh, I feel at ease without that music," she said with a smile. "Then you are not a party person," he said with a laugh. "It seems that way since you pointed it out," she said with a laugh. Owen ordered the bartender's order. The bartender leaves to get their order. While the bartender was carrying a beautiful lake blue gradient cocktail, Camila suddenly appeared and almost knocked the bartender over. Camile pretended to help the bartender by holding the drink. When the bartender didn't notice her, she put a white powder in it and acted like nothing happened. The white powder disappeared in a fraction of a second. "Here is the drink. Be careful," she says as she places the glass on the tray and pats his shoulder as if she were genuinely worried about him. "Thanks, Ma'am," the bartender says, thanking her for saving him from getting a possible scolding from his manager. The bartender enters Owen's booth and places the drink on the table. "Enjoy your drink, Ma'am," he says with a nod. "Thank you," Meirah says, picking up the drink. The bartender leaves after his work is done. "Wow, Owen. Your recommendation looks drool-worthy. I love the color of the drink," she says, appreciating it. "Don't just appreciate it. Try it too," he says, smiling as he tilts his head to the side a little. Meirah nodded her head and brought the glass to her lips to drink it. Owen, ever observant, picked up a strange smell and acted quickly. "Hold on, Meirah," he said, stopping her from taking the drink. "What's wrong?" Meirah asks confusedly. "Nothing," he said, picking up the glass. He sniffed the glass carefully. His expression immediately changed to a frown, and he turned to Meirah. "Wait here. I'll be right back," he said before quickly leaving the booth. "Wait. Where?" Meirah's question went unanswered, as he had already left the booth, leaving her alone. Confused by Owen's sudden departure, Meirah waited anxiously for his return. As she continued to wait, she had a conversation with her wolf, Zoya. 'Zoya, what do you think has happened?' Meirah asked. 'Hmm… I don't know what happened. But I think it's something related to the drink. He sniffed it and then his expression changed.' Zoya replied with the things she saw. "Then you think there is something wrong with the drink?' Meirah asked her. 'Yes. I think so, Zoya said. 'Such a pity. I thought of drinking it,' Meirah said. 'Don't. You came out for the first time. God knows what kind of trouble you will get into by drinking that suspicious blue-colored cocktail,' Zoya said. Just as she started to feel a little uneasy, the booth's entrance was flung open, and to her surprise, Lucian stood there. "Lucian?" Meirah exclaimed, seeing him there.
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