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Assi smiled at the two men in front of her. She nodded after they introduced themselves. "Hello, Sir Simon. It's nice to see you again. Did something happen yesterday that made you both come rushing here for me?" She was curious about why they suddenly needed her help, considering she had only met and talked to Simon yesterday. She wondered if she had done something wrong without realizing it. Simon, the gentleman, shook his head. "No," he replied, chuckling softly. "Actually, I'm not the one who needs you right now, but my friend Alejandro." He placed his hand on Alejandro's shoulder, who was sitting in front of Doctor Cindy's desk. "He is Alejandro Portalejo, and he has something for you." Assi became even more puzzled by what he said. She didn't know the man and was sure she had never seen him before, so how could he need something from her? "I-I don't understand. What do you need?" She looked at the man named Alejandro, waiting for an explanation. The man's expression turned serious as he observed her. He briefly glanced at her face and then smiled. "I don't think we can talk about it here properly. Can we go outside? It's too private to talk about here." Simon agreed. "Yes, let's have some coffee outside. If it's alright with you, Ms. Miller." He always had a cheerful expression on his face. "Don't worry, we're not bad people. I am an attorney, and my friend Alejandro is a businessman." He took something out of his coat pocket and handed it to her. "Here is my business card." She accepted it. "It's okay, I understand. It's not necessary, you both seem like decent people." She smiled. "Are you often going to the clinic?" "Huh?" She didn't quite catch what he said, as she was busy trying to figure out why two unknown men suddenly approached her. "Sorry, I was just lost in thought." Simon chuckled. "It's okay, my question is whether you frequently visit this clinic?" She shook her head. "No, sir. I only come here when I don't have work, to help out Doc Cindy." The man nodded after briefly glancing at her from the shotgun seat next to her. They got out of the car and entered an upscale coffee shop together. They chose a spot with fewer people. Simon pulled a chair for her and sat beside her, while the man named Alejandro sat across from her. He had a different vibe compared to Simon—more serious and hesitant to talk or ask anything. They agreed to go outside. Assi immediately joined the two men in their car, sitting with Simon since he was the one she knew. He seemed kind, just like when she first met him. Always with a smile and friendly. Alejandro handed her the menu. She accepted it but not to order food, rather to place it on the table. "I'll just have water, I'll be back at the clinic soon. I still have a lot to do." She faced Simon. "Sorry about that." Simon nodded. Alejandro shrugged and placed the order for the three of them. He clasped his hands on the table and stared at her again. His intense gaze made her uncomfortable, so she looked away. "I think you are familiar with surrogacy?" She furrowed her brow. She remembered that Doc Cindy mentioned it once, so she nodded. But even though the doctor mentioned it, she hadn't really interacted with it. She had read an article about it online once, though. She enjoyed reading about various topics. "Then, I'll get straight to the point," Alejandro said, looking into her eyes. "Well, Ms. Assi Miller, I want you to be the surrogate mother of my child." "Did you catch her off guard?" Simon asked. Assi furrowed her brow. "What?" Her respectful tone vanished. "W-wait, I think I misheard. What do you mean?" She crossed her arms over her legs. She suddenly felt nervous. It was new to her ears. Alejandro sighed. "I don't want to waste your time, that's why I told you already what I need from you. Be the surrogate mother of my child." She paused, trying to process everything. "B-but why me?" She looked at Simon. The man shrugged and let them continue their conversation. He took care of their orders when they arrived. "Don't worry, you won't do this without compensation," Alejandro said, shifting his gaze towards his friend. "Oh, sorry." Simon seemed to understand Alejandro's unspoken message. He took out something on his coat and placed it on the table. "Here, Assi, this is what you'll receive in exchange for Alejandro's request." Assi looked at what he was handing her. Her eyes widened when she saw the amount on the check. "Three million. I think that's enough or higher than you expected." Alejandro was determined to have his child, and he wouldn't let Assi refuse his offer today. "But since you'll be carrying my child, you don't have to worry about expenses. You just have to stay healthy and carry my child for nine months. After that, we're done. I'll give you half of the money in advance." Assi was taken aback by the amount of money the man mentioned. Her eyes widened at the sight of it, but what should she say in response? She would be pregnant for several months and people would see her, what would they think? But why was she thinking about that first when she should be considering the significant amount? It was more than enough to support her younger sibling's education, whom their mother had left behind. They could even move if necessary. Assi didn't immediately respond, so the two men tried to convince her. "You will only carry his child, and after nine months, you'll receive the whole amount he offered you. Isn't it a good offer? You won't have to worry about expenses, he will provide everything," Simon said with a smile, trying to persuade her. "Plus, three million is a lot to pass up." Assi swallowed, realizing that it was indeed a missed opportunity. "B-but why me?" That was her only question, but was it still important at this point? "Uhm, Assi, it's okay if you don't want to. We'll just find someone else," Simon said, taking a sip of his ordered coffee. "If you know anyone who might be interested, let us know." She scratched her head. She had nothing else to think about. That amount was no joke, and the two men offered it to her nicely. "We will do this with a tied contract, don't worry, Ms. Miller," Alejandro remained professional. "You'll have the full amount of money I offered, and I'll have my kid." She took a deep breath. "Okay, I agree," she said. Even though she felt a bit crazy, what else could she do? She regretted the missed opportunity for such a large sum of money. She wouldn't earn that much in nine months of working at her current job. So, her decision was final. "When will this start?" She didn't want to change her mind because she knew she would regret it. "We will arrange everything first, then let you know when it will begin," Simon smiled at her and looked at Alejandro. Assi's friend's face brightened upon hearing Assi's response. Alejandro was finally happy because his plan was about to begin.

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