Chapter Five:

3722 Words

Chapter Five: Maa paused, her gaze scanning the swamp that waited for her small group. The surface of the water was not far, and the stench traveled on the still air. This had the makings of a miserable venture. At least the putrid air remained warm. Behind her, the others, all men, waited. After a quick glance at her gathered entourage, Maa scowled. “Where is chief mage Ada?” One of the younger court mages dropped to the road, his forehead pressed against the stone. “Your Highness, if you will please remember, the last chief mage met with an… unfortunate accident down at the lake.” Maa never looked at the creature quivering before her. Such a spineless whelp. Her empire would be doomed if she found none with the spine to defend it. “Yes, the i***t got himself killed by the fog… Tell m

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