Chapter 23

851 Words

23 Owen Samuels’s house in Egleton was much as Caroline had expected it to be: swanky, grandiose and — dare she say it — a little over the top. He was clearly a man who’d made some money, but he seemed pleasant enough. ‘Nice place you’ve got here,’ she said, as they sat down in his huge kitchen. ‘Thank you. A bit much for one person at times, but it makes for a handy bachelor pad. The original house is actually much smaller, but I had it extended heavily and brought up to date. I think they’ve done a great job.’ ‘They have. Is that your game, then? Building and development?’ ‘Not really, no. I like to have my fingers in quite a few pies, as it happens. I began by building startups and selling them on. Then I started rescuing struggling companies by buying them out, fixing their proble

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