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Jasmine was comfortably sitting in Thorne's car when he suddenly stopped. Confused, Jasmine looked at him and touched his hand. Thorne flinched and faked a smile. "I forgot something in Hale's house. You can go out now," Thorne nonchalantly said. "What?" Jasmine muttered. "Can I come with you? This isn't the way to the salon and Hannah already left," she added. There's no way Thorne will leave her here. "I'm sorry, Jas. Maybe next time. It's important," Thorne said and gave her a tight-lipped smile. Irritated, Jasmine went out of the car and angrily closed the door. She crossed her arms and watched as the car drove away. "Damn it, Thorne!" Jasmine yelled and kicked the stone near her. She fished her phone out and dialed Jordan's number which her brother immediately answered. "Come pick me up in Bill's resto," Jasmine said. "Why? I thought you were with your friends," Jordan replied. "I'm with Thorne earlier but he said he left something important in Hale's house," Jasmine said. "And now I'm all alone," she added and rolled her eyes inwardly. "But Hale's out of town with his family," Jordan said making Jasmine more irritated. "I'll be there in ten, wait for me," he added and ended the call. On the other hand, Kate was walking back home when a car stopped next to her. The car was familiar to Kate, no doubt it was Thorne's car, but what was he doing back here when he was with Jasmine? Kate stopped thinking when the window rolled down. "Get in," Thorne said. Kate, who was hurt by what happened earlier continued to walk away from her mate. "It's okay to ignore him right? After all, he chose Jasmine over me - his mate." Thorne glared at Kate's back and went out of the car. He grabbed her arm, lifted her like a sack, and put her inside the car while she resisted. "I fvcking hate being ignored, Kate. Stay there," Thorne said and growled making Kate gulped. Thorne's angry and she doesn't have a choice but to stay still while her mate went into the driver's seat and drove away. The whole ride was quiet and only the radio was the one making a noise. Kate was about to ask Thorne where they were going as they already went out of the pack's border, but she remained silent. The car stopped at a field. "Get out," Thorne said. Kate followed without hesitation and went out of the car. She hugged herself as the wind brushed past her and heard the door closed. Kate felt Thorne's presence next to her as the sun slowly sets. "Why did you bring me here?" Kate asked. She's confused. Earlier, Thorne chose Jasmine and let her hurt her but now he's beside Kate like nothing happened and as an i***t as it sounds, Kate already forgave him even without hearing a sorry from him. That's how much she loves him. "I just wanted to. Why?" Thorne asked. Kate shook her head and in response and dared leaned her head on Thorne's shoulder as they watch the beautiful sunset together. "I love you, Thorne," Kate bravely confessed. She felt Thorne froze. Kate bit her bottom lip and waited but Thorne didn't answer. "Let's go back," Thorne said as the sun faded and the place became dark, and went back to his car. Kate heaved a sigh and followed her. She's going to wait for Thorne. Kate believes Thorne's going to choose her because she's his mate, destined by the Moon Goddess, forever. "Thank you for today, Thorne," Kate said when Thorne dropped her off at her house. Thorne nodded his head and left. When Thorne arrived at the packhouse, the Alpha - his Father was waiting for him in the living room, watching a show on the television. "Where have you been?" Theon asked. Thorne straightened his back and cleared his throat. "I went to Hale's, Father," he lied. "Hmm. Take Jasmine out and slowly introduce her to the pack as your fiancée," Theon said. "I'm getting old, Thorne. You have to be ready to manage the pack," he added. "Yes, Father. I understand," Thorne said. "Good. Don't disappoint me, Thorne," Theon said. "I know Hale's family wasn't here. Stop fooling around, Thorne," he added making Thorne gulp. Does his Father know about Kate? "I'm sorry, Father," Thorne said. "Whatever useless thing you're doing, stop it and focus on the pack and your fiancée," Theon said and stood up. He walked past his son and tapped his son's shoulder. "Remember, I expect great things from you, Thorne," Theon said and left. Thorne breathed a sigh of relief knowing that his father has already gone to bed. Thorne looked at the large frame hanging in the living room and pursed his lips. A picture of his late mother, smiling gently. Thorne went to his room and took his phone out and saw fifteen messages and ten missed calls which came from Jasmine, Jordan, and Nicholas. Thorne turned his phone off and lie down in his bed. Kate cleaned her house when someone comes knocking on the door. Kate's forehead creased. Who would visit her at this hour when most of the pack's population hates her? "Wait a minute!" Kate said when another knock erupted. She walked to where the door was and peeked into the small hole. "Jordan?" Kate whispered and opened the door. "Hi, Jordan, what are you doing here?" she asked and fully opened the door for the Beta. "Hi, Kate. I hope I'm not intruding. I brought this one for you," Jordan said and gave Kate a basket full of different kinds of fruits. "Oh my, Jordan! You should have not bothered bringing me these," Kate said. Jordan smiled. "It's actually a token of apology," Jordan said. "I'm sorry for what my sister did. I reprimanded her last time," he added. Kate forced a smile. So the soon-to-be-Beta doesn't know that Jasmine harassed her again earlier. Kate took the basket and thanked Jordan. "It's okay, Jordan. I understand Jasmine. I'm just a mere omega in the pack," Kate sadly said. "No, don't think like that. You're part of the pack, Kate. Always remember that," Jordan said. "I just brought that basket here. I'm sorry again, Kate," he added and scratched the back of his head. "Thank you, Jordan," Kate said. She waited for Jordan to leave the premise before closing the door. Kate put the basket on the table and heaved a sigh. It's been a long day for her, she just wanted to lay in bed and sleep.
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