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Kate woke up without Thorne by her side. She fell asleep after what they did last night and had no recollection of what happened afterward. She stood up and washed. When she was done, she went out and smiled when she saw a letter on the table. Heat the food in the fridge when you're up. I'll try and visit you often if I'm not busy with the pack work. - Thorne Kate smiled at the sweet gesture and did what the letter said. She took out the meal from the fridge and reheated it. Kate was so excited to enter work. Even if Mrs. Karen hates her, she's still going. That was Thorne's effect on her. Her day would instantly brighten if Thorne would do something for her. Kate's head over heels for him. Kate arrived at the pack hospital early, but Mrs. Karen was earlier. She watched Kate as she placed her things in the locker with her arms crossed. "Good morning, Mrs. Karen," Kate greeted. The lady just eyed her and gave her her task without scolding her, which surprised Kate. "Did she eat something funny?" "Hi, Kate!" Kate turned around and saw Megan, a pack nurse. "Hi, Meg. How are you?" Kate asked and smiled. Megan belongs to the few who talk to her without belittling her rank in the pack. "Ugh! Twins kept me up all night, but thanks to my mate helping me, it's bearable," she said. "Do you want to see them? They're the cutest!" she beamed. Kate nodded her head, and Megan immediately took her phone out and opened her gallery. "This is Cole and Caden," Megan said. Kate's eyes softened while scrolling the images through Megan's phone. "They're the cutest," Kate said. Megan squealed. "Right?! I didn't know how I managed to push, but all I could think was them," Megan dreamily said. Kate touched her hand and smiled. "You're a strong woman, Meg. You have a beautiful family," Kate said. Sadness was evident in her voice which Megan noticed. She put her phone back and held Kate's hand. "I pray that you'll find yours too, Kate," Megan said and left when her senior called for her. Kate went back to her work with a thought in her mind. She wanted to have a child and a family with Thorne—a son or a daughter that would look so much like her mate. Kate smiled at that thought. Jasmine hummed while looking at her nails when her brother came down the stairs. "You don't have anything to do today?" Jordan asked with his arms crossed. Jasmine glanced at her brother and back to her nails. "I have. I'm waiting for Hannah and Anne. We are going to the salon, and I'm going to Thorne after," she answered. "You must be thrilled because you're going to be with Thorne," Jordan said. He knows how much his sister likes Thorne. "Why do I feel like you're against with it, Jord?" Jasmine asked and raised her eyebrows. "Of course not. I'm happy for my little sister," Jordan said and went to her side. Jordan may not show it and come out as a strict brother, and he loves his sister. He doesn't like her bullying weak people just because she's a daughter of the Beta of the pack. "Yeah, right," Jasmine said. "Anyway, I'm going. They're already outside," she added and stood up, leaving the Beta's house. Jasmine immediately hopped on Hannah's car, and Hannah drove to their favorite salon. "So, how was the dinner?" Hannah inquired. Jasmine grinned, and her friends immediately noticed it. "Oh my gods, is it what I think it is?" Anne said while wriggling her eyebrows. "Yeah, the Alpha wanted us to be together, and Thorne agreed," Jasmine answered, making Anne and Hannah squeal in delight for their friend. Jasmine was lucky she finally got Thorne in her hands. The Thorne everyone admired and loved. "Girl, I'm so happy for you," Hannah said. Jasmine was about to answer when she saw Kate - the loathsome omega of the pack. It made her blood boil. She wanted the omega to be gone. "Stop the car, Hannah," Jasmine said. Hannah's forehead creased, but then she saw who Jasmine was looking at and mouthed something to Anne, then stopped the car. Jasmine went out and grabbed Kate's hair, who yelped in pain. "W-Who--Jasmine?" Kate said while holding her hair. "I thought I told you to leave this pack, omega?" Jasmine said and leaned. "You don't belong here," she added menacingly. Kate bit her bottom lip and bowed her head. "J-Jasmine, please," she begged, as Kate didn't want any trouble. Jasmine was about to hit her when a black car stopped next to Hannah's car. Jasmine smiled and dropped Kate's hair as the black car's window rolled down. "Thorne, what are you doing here?" Jasmine sweetly asked. Thorne looked at her and to Kate. "Why are you asking? Am I not allowed to roam the pack I will lead?" Thorne asked. Jasmine immediately shook her head. "No, that's not what I meant, Thorne," she said. "What are you doing?" Thorne asked. Jasmine looked at Kate, who was now looking at Thorne, which made her blood boil once more. She kicked Kate in the leg, causing the latter to groan in pain. "Just teaching this omega something, Thorne. Where are you going? Can I come with you?" Jasmine said and batted her eyelashes. Thorne looked at Kate and gripped the steering wheel. "Of course, let's go," Thorne said. Jasmine looked at Hannah and saw her friend winked, mouthing "go girl" to Jasmine. Jasmine went to Thorne's car, and they drove away. "Let's go, Anne," Hannah said. "What about her?" Anne asked while looking at the already crying Kate in front of them. "Leave her be. Let's go," Hannah said and left. Kate wiped her tears. She felt like her heart was stabbed repeatedly. Thorne left her and chose to be with Jasmine. He didn't even spare a glance at her. They're in a secret relationship, yes, but Thorne is her mate. Doesn't he care about her?
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