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"You're late!" Kate bowed her head and played with her fingers, afraid that if she said something, she'd incur more of her head janitress' wrath. "And what's with these dirty clothes?!" "I'm s-sorry, Mrs. Karen," Kate stuttered. "I'll change right away," she added. "Nevermind! We have so much to do. Change into your uniform at once!" Kate immediately went to the changing room and changed. She took the mop and started cleaning her assigned place: the bathroom. When Kate finished mopping the floor and wiping the cubicles, she waited for the bathroom to become empty and leaned on the wall as her lips quivered. She put her hands on her mouth and silently cried about everything that had happened to her. "Y-You can do this. M-Mom said you can," she whispered repeatedly to herself as she sniffled. It was her daily mantra to calm herself when everything seemed to fall apart. It's what keeps her sane. Kate breathed and wiped her tears. She wanted to see Thorne. Kate wanted him to comfort her. To tell her that everything will be fine. Jordan entered their house and saw Jasmine talking and laughing with her friends. "Jas, we need to talk," Jordan said and eyed Jasmine's friends. Jasmine rolled her eyes and ignored him. "Come on, Jas. Don't be a child," Jordan muttered. "What do you want, Jordan? There's nothing to talk about," Jasmine said and crossed her legs. "Stand up and follow me," Jordan said and walked to his office. Jasmine cursed and stood up. "Go on without me. I'll be back," she said and followed her brother. Jasmine went inside her brother's office and leaned on the wall after closing the door. "What now?" Jasmine asked. "Why did you do that?" Jordan said. "I told you to stop bullying Kate. For Pete's sake, you're already twenty-seven!" he added, anger laced in his voice. "So what? Until she doesn't leave the pack, I'm going to keep doing it," Jasmine said. "Get over with it, Jord," she added and raised her eyebrows. "Jasmine, please! Kate is our packmate, and she hasn't done anything to hurt the pack," Jordan said, finally settling down on the chair. "Why do you keep on taking her side?! Do you like her?!" Jasmine yelled, irritated that her brother was scolding her for doing something to the omega. "What the fvck, Jasmine? I'm the next-in-line Beta of this pack! It's my job to care for our packmates!" he yelled back. Jasmine pursed her lips, hearing her brother yell at her. Jordan heaved a sigh and stood, walking towards her. He put her hands on her shoulders and looked at her in her eyes. "Jas, that woman has been through a lot. So stop it, okay? Be kind," Jordan calmly said. Jasmine didn't answer and just stared at her brother. There's no way in hell she'd stop. The omega needs to leave the pack because she doesn't belong in Blue Stone. "You may go back," Jordan said and let go of his sister. Jasmine left his office and muttered strings of curses. She plopped down on the couch with a grumpy look on her face. "What happened?" Hannah, one of her friends, asked. "That omega happened. She bewitched my brother. Gods, I hate her to the core," Jasmine said. "What are we going to do?" Hannah asked. Jasmine looked at her and grinned. "I have plans in mind, but not now. I have dinner with Thorne's family later. I want to rest because seeing that filthy omega stresses me," Jasmine said. "Then let's go to the salon!" Anne said as she clapped her hand. "Good idea," Hannah said. "Jas, are you going to join us?" she added. Jasmine leaned backward and hummed. "Yeah, that's good. Let's go," Jasmine said, making the women giggle in delight. They all left the Beta's house and went to the famous salon in Blue Stone. As the day quickly faded to night, Jordan called Thorne. The Beta's family was already in front of the packhouse. The servant of the Winter's family opened the double doors. Alpha Theon Winters and his son beside him welcomed the Beta's family. "Barry," Theon said. "Alpha," Barry said and bowed. "Thank you for inviting us to this dinner," he added. Theon laughed and tapped his shoulder. "You're too stiff, Barry. Address me as Theon, will you? We're friends, after all," Theon said and smiled. Barry dela Vega, the current Beta of the Blue Stone pack, grinned. "Theon, what's this for?" Barry asked as they followed Theon to the dining room. "You'll know soon," Theon said and sat in the center, followed by everyone. Jasmine looked at Thorne, her eyes twinkling. She's been in love with Thorne ever since because who wouldn't love the Alpha's son? Thorne was everyone's dream. He was a handsome, good, talented, and skilled warrior—Thorne's perfect. "Jasmine, how are you?" Theon asked, making Jasmine snap back from her daydreaming. Jasmine bowed and smiled. "I'm okay, Alpha," Jasmine replied as the servant served the food for everyone. Thorne glanced at Jasmine and smiled as he caught her staring at him. The two families began eating and talking about the pack and its future. Theon suddenly looked at his son and Jasmine. "I'm going to be straightforward," Theon began. Everyone gazed at the Alpha with respect. "I want Thorne to marry Jasmine," he said. Barry and his wife gasped and looked at their daughter. Thorne and Jordan weren't surprised anymore because they had an idea what was the Alpha was going to say. Jasmine couldn't contain her happiness and smiled from ear to ear. "They both haven't found their mates, and it's about time for Thorne to take over the Alpha position," Theon said and put his hand on his son's shoulder. "It's okay with you, right, son?" he added. "I'm fine with it, Father," Thorne said, ignoring his roaring beast inside. Jasmine blushed when he heard Thorne's answer. "I'm f-fine with it, too. I'll marry Thorne," Jasmine said. Thorne's going to be hers, finally. "Then, for the future union of Thorne and Jasmine. Cheers!" Theon said and raised his glass, and everyone followed him and happily cheered for Jasmine and Thorne.
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