Chapter 2: Bad News

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Violet's P.O.V. ************************************* "Are you sure this is no trouble?" Mom asked. Mrs. McCarthy smiled. "Not at all," she replied. Mrs. McCarthy and my mom get along wonderfully. Both of them wanted to be stay-at-home moms to raise their children despite having tons of money. Mrs. McCarthy is just as sweet and kind as my mom too. "Come back anytime for her. No rush." Mrs. McCarthy said, "Violet is always such a joy to have around." I smiled at them. Mom bent down to kiss my cheek. She pulled me in for a hug, and then put her mom face on. "Okay, behave. I will be back as soon as I can. Call me if you need me for anything. And have fun." She said. "Okay Mom, thanks." I said. Mom kissed my head before finally leaving. I turned around to look at Mrs. McCarthy. She grabbed my overnight bag, and set it on the chair. "Want to help me bake some cookies?" She asked. I beamed at her. "Yes please." **************************** "Okay, I am beat." Mrs. McCarthy said as she looked at the many cookies we made. I giggled as I looked at the cookies too. We wer baking for hours. I think we made a hundred cookies. One of my favorite things about being here is how much we bake. "Here, take a plate up to Gregory." She said as she began plating cookies. "And a plate for Setson and his friends." Mrs. McCarthy turned around with two plates in her hands. I know that I made a face when she said Setson's name. The amused look on her face tells me so. "Don't worry, one of them is that polite boy." She told me. I internally groaned, but grabbed both plates. I trudged up the stairs to the boy's rooms. Despite having a house large enough that each of them could have their own wing of the house, Mrs. McCarthy wanted the boys to be close. So, their rooms are practically right next to each other. Mrs. McCarthy said something about wanting the boys to be close. Boy was she wrong. Setson and Greg can't stand each other. They couldn't be more opposite either. Greg is the sweetest guy. He has a good sense of humor, he's kind to strangers, and he's very polite. Setson is the complete opposite. He's rude and mean. He is not nice to strangers at all or polite in the slightest. Setson is a complete jerkface. Always has been. When we were kids, Setson would always destroy everything that I made. Since I was pushed up a few grades, I didn't have many friends. Greg was really the only one, and he didn't have many friends either. Unless Setson, who was constantly surrounded by people. Even though Setson had skipped a few grades himself, he was often around. You'd think that someone who didn't like Greg and me very much would avoid us, but no. Setson decided to pick on us every chance he got. As we got older, it slowed though. Setson didn't come around as much. So, I only got bullied by him when I was forced to see him. Setson isn't usually home either, and I'm not usually forced to talk to him when he is. Especially since his friends are just as big of jerks as he is. I'm 11 now though, and Setson is 15. He's going into his last year of high school since he was able to skip a few grades. Greg and I will be going into the 8th grade. Setson has probably grown up by now. He probably lost interest in bullying me. Right? I stopped in front of Setson's door, and took a deep breath. Just when I was about to knock, I heard a clattering on the other side. It caused panic to strike through me. Is someone hurt? I burst through the door in a rush. My eyes scanned the room. A foul smell, like a skunk, hit my nose. When my eyes settled on Setson's bed, they widened. I thought that Setson was in here with his friends? That does not look like any friend I've ever seen. Setson and some girl I've never seen before are on Setson's bed. The girl is on top of Setson, and doesn't look like she has any pants on. Her long blonde hair is flowing down her back. She had light blue eyes that twinkled when she looked at me. Setson is shirtless with only pants on. My face heated as I realized what I had just walked in on. "I-I-I-I... I-I-'m s-sorry." I stuttered out like an id.iot. "I-I heard... a noise, a-and I-I thought... maybe s-someone was h-hurt." Suddenly, one of the plates was taken from my hands. I looked up to see Setson's friend I hated the most, Cole, had snatched the plate from me. I took a bite of a cookie as he walked to the couch in Setson's room. Where there were a couple more girls. "Awh, little Violet was worried about us," Cole said teasingly. I frowned at him. I can't believe I was worried about any of them honestly. I should have knocked and left the plate on the floor in front of the door. Stupid jerks. "What the hell are you doing still standing there Viloet?" Setson asked angrily. "Leave." I looked back at him with a scowl. "Awh, come on, don't be mean." The girl on top of him said. "She's cute." "Cute? Yeah right," Cole snickered. "Ignored them," Alec, Setson's only nice friend, said to me. "Thanks for the cookies." "Leave Violet!" Setson practically shouted. It made me jump. I turned a scowl back to him as I fought back tears. Why is he always so mean to me? "Stupid jerk," I muttered as I walked out the door. "Come on man, you didn't have to be like that." I heard Alec say as I shut the door. "She should have left as soon as Cole took the plate," Setson replied. "Awh, I think she has a little crush on you," that girl said. I scoffed, and opened the door again. All eyes turned to me, but I looked right at Setson and his girlfriend. "I do NOT have a crush on him," I said, pointing to Setson. "I'd have to be at least half brain dead to like a jerk like him!" With that, I slammed the door shut, and stomped into Greg's room. I walked in, and slammed the door behind me. I dropped the plate on Greg's desk where he was playing on his PC. Then I sat on his bed to stew in my anger. "What'd he do now?" Greg asked. "Your brother is a huge!" I declared. Greg snorted, and turned his chair around to face me. ", really?" He said smirking. "You only ever curse when you're really pi.ssed off." "Yeah, well," I muttered. Greg laughed. "Well, how about a movie to take your mind off things?" He asked. "Something scary?" I replied. "Of course," Greg said. **************************************** I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. I was quick to do my morning business and packing up my things. I have my own room here at the McCarthy house, so I was able to take my time, and not wake anyone up. Mom should be here anytime to get me. I rushed down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Greg and Setson were already seated at the table. Along with Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy. I plopped down on the chair next to Greg, and began putting food on my plate. It took me a moment to realize that no one else was eating or talking. It was unlike most mornings. Mrs. McCarthy likes to chat while we all have a meal together. She likes the family time. I looked up to see everyone looking at me. Greg and Mrs. McCarthy had tears in their eyes, like they'd been crying. Mr. McCarthy looks sad, and is refusing to meet my eyes. Even Setson is looking at me strangely. "What's going on?" I asked. No one spoke up. I turned to Mrs. McCarthy. She reached over Greg to grab my hands. "Honey," she said as more tears fell from her eyes. "There's something that we need to tell you." "Her father should be telling her," Setson said angrily. I looked at him, and back to Mrs. McCarthy. "Tell me what?" I asked her. "Violet, honey, there was an accident last night after your mom dropped you off here." She told me. My gut twisted. "A-an a-accident?" I asked. "Honey, I'm so sorry but... Your mom didn't make it. She died in the hospital last night." Mrs. McCarthy said gently. I blinked at her. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked, confused. This can't be real. Mrs. McCarthy must be mistaken. No, my mom isn't... "Violet, I am so sorry." Mrs. McCarthy told me. "We wanted to wait for your father to tell you, but..." Mrs. McCarthy trailed off as she looked at her husband. Mr. McCarthy sighed. He folded his hands in front of his mouth as he looked at me for a moment. "Violet, you'll be staying with us for a few days while your father irons out the details." He told me. "We'll answer any questions you have, but... I think it's best that you just stay with family for now. You know you are family to us." W-what is he saying? Why would I stay here instead of going home with my dad? "I-I..." I trailed off. I don't know what to say. Mom is... dead? She's... gone. "Excuse me," I said as I pushed out my chair. "I need a moment."
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