Ch 13

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Isabella’s POV The next day I woke with a start. I have still not got used to the castle. Everyone hear wakes up early and be at the breakfast table at eight in the morning. As I am not a morning person, I get up late. Usually, my breakfast is sent to my room. I had heard Gabriel making the request on my behalf during the lunch. Dad had agreed to it only when I agreed to try and get up early. He also cleared that he was not forcing me to follow the rules. He wanted me at the breakfast table because most of the family members will be present. Rest of the day, dad will be at his office. I agreed and heeded to his request. At first, I wanted to act rebellious and say that I am not going to get up early just because he asked me too. Gabriel understands the look on my face and gave me a pleading look. Reluctantly, I swallowed the words which were at the back of my throat. Gabriel had beamed in happiness at me when I silently conceded to dad’s request. Even though it was not that much of big deal, I was glad to see the smile on his face and be the reason behind it. Today, I will be going to the city to get my whole stuff. Gabriel had said that he would ask his men to bring all my stuff from the apartment. But I did not allow it and put down his request. “Hey” I was wearing a sweet shirt and black jeans. I took my sling bag into which I put my keys, wallet and cards along with my mobile number. Knowing it was Gabriel, I bid him entry. He walked inside and saw me all ready. “Are you going somewhere?” he asks as he sits on the edge of my bed. I nod at him as I wore my sneakers. “Yeah, I am going to get my stuff back from the apartment” I inform him as I stand up. “You cannot go today” he says all of sudden. I turn to face him with a scrunch of my eyebrows. “What do you mean that I cannot go?” I ask in a defiant tone. When he took his time replying, I persisted “come on tell me already” I say to him. “Well prince Maxwell and his parents along with his grandfather are coming for luncheon. This meeting will probably make the Alliance. We feel positive response from them” he explains to me. “But why are you stopping me?” I asked him with a confused frown on my face. By the look on his face, I know whatever he is going to say next, I won’t like it. “Because you are family and it would be a good impression on us” he says as he stared at me. I shake my head at him “I did not expect you to stop me. I don’t want to be part of it” I say. “I would really appreciate it if you stay back and join us on the luncheon. You have become a mysterious princess, the one no one knows about. I want to introduce you as my sister” he says. I let out a sigh “I cannot really get angry at you. Because you have been the only who took care of me. even though I had no idea about it” He shook his head at me “if you want to come, it should be because you want to attend. I am not asking you to return the favor of caring you for all those years” I wait as he continued. “You should join on your own, because you wanted too” he says to me. I take my time to think over it. I look at him “Let me go today. Next time, I will attend all luncheons. You will not have to persuade me because I will be joining on my own” “You promise?” he forwards his hand to me. I placed my hand on his in agreement “I promise” He pulls me in his arms and squeezed me tightly. After that, I move back “Thanks for not forcing me to attend. That would have only made me all the more rebellious” I say to him with a smirk. He chuckles and says “you are going alone?” “Yeah” I nod, at him. Both of us walk out of my room and down the hallway. “Why don’t you take one of my men with you?” he suggests. “They would help you with your stuff” he added. Shaking my head at him in negative, I reply “No thanks. I can manage on my own.” “I agreed for you to go. Now you have to agree with my condition” he insisted as we climb down the steps. Once we reached downstairs, I turn to face him “Why are you insisting so much on it.” “I fear that you won’t come back. I had let you go once. I won’t repeat the same mistake again” he says in a much softer tone. “I would not have returned only to go back Gabriel” I stated to him. He scratched the back of his neck. “I can’t help it” he mumbled. We stood like that for some time. “Fine, I will take your men” I agreed with his demand. He gives me a full-blown smile. “Don’t make it a habit and stop smiling” I chided him softly. He immediately wiped it off his face but I could still see him smiling through his eyes. “Thanks for agreeing with me” he says. I shrugged my shoulder in response and we walked in the living room. I see mom, dad along with Nina present. They all looked ready to welcome the guest. I cheeked the time in my wrist watch and see it was past eleven in the morning. “Sweetie guests are coming. Why are you not ready yet?” asks dad. “Sorry dad but I cannot be present today. I have to go my apartment to bring my stuff” I explained. “Can’t you do it tomorrow?” snaps Nina angrily at me.  I turn to face her and narrowed my eyes in her direction “Did I not say that I won’t attend your function?” I ask her. Before she could say anything further, mom stops her. “Isabella, we would really appreciate if you stay back. We want to officially introduce you to the family as well” she explained to me. “Not this time. I will surely join you all the next time” I say to her. Mom gives me a helpless look but does not say anything. “You cannot disrespect mom like that” says Nina. I raised my eyebrows at that “It does not mean I am disrespecting her by not agreeing to her.” Nina fumed angrily as I explained “disrespecting is when I talk rudely to her. I did say I will join you the next time. Didn’t I?” “You can go sweetie. But remember you said you will join next time” dad says to me. I was surprised. “But dad?” whined Nina as she looked dad. “Not a word Nina” dad says to her. “Thanks dad” I mumbled. He smiled at me and asked. “Are you going alone?” giving him a nod, I reply “I was going on my own. Gabriel is sending his men with me” I inform him. He turns to loot at Gabriel and some kind understanding pass between them. “Are you staying in the city for the night?” inquires dad.  “Most probably I will. The drive is of four hours long. By the time I reach it will be four in the afternoon.” I explained to him. “Who is staying in the city?” I hear a voice. It sounded very familiar to me. I turn around and find grandmother walking inside. My eyes widened as her gaze connect with mine. She took a long look at me. Her eyes widened when she realized it is me. My feet immediately took me towards her. I hugged her tightly the moment I was close to her. Even though she did not hug me back, I ignore it and move back. “Grandmother” I beam at her with teary eyed smile. She moves back from me “Dominic, who is this stranger girl hugging me?” asks grandmother to dad. “Mom she is Isabella” dad informs her. “Why is she here though?” asks grandmother in a nonchalant voice. She does not want to see me. It will probably take some time to forgive me. I will wait till then. I nodded to myself. It’s time to go. “Dad may I leave now?” I ask him. He takes one look at my face. I was hoping he won’t stop me. I want to go away from here. He gave me a nod. “Okay. I will see you then” with that said, I walked out of the door. The two men were already waiting for me outside. My car was also parked in the front. “I will be taking my own car. You can come in another car” I tell the men who were going to come with me. “Your royal highness, princess Isabella. His royal highness prince Gabriel has asked us to take you to the city. One of our men will drive you to the city and two of us will follow in another car” says the guy “That’s not going to happen. If you are coming with me, you need to accept my terms. Two of you will come with me. That’s it. I don’t want any arguments” I say to them. I know he won’t defy Gabriel’s order. I had no other choice but to agree with him but not before I put my own condition forward. After sometime both shared a look and then called Gabriel. After sometime, the guard agreed with me. He gave me a nod. I nodded back at him I climbdown the steps, the car door was already open for me. I get inside and the guard closes the door. Two of them get in another car. I looked out of the window as the driver started the car. I had uploaded my location in the map system. I looked out of the window. Some two or three cars enter through the main gate. May be this is the prince who is coming to meet Nina. Our cars pass by each other. I moved back inside and lean on the seat. I decided to take a nap as the journey is long and closed my eyed. Maxwell’s POV Today king Dominic had invited all of us for luncheon. That is why I was getting ready. It is ten in the morning and we should be leaving by eleven O clock. Dad had informed me that we would reach there by eleven thirty. I have already had my breakfast. There was a knock on the door. I let the person entry. “Hey bro, are you ready to go?” asks Louis as he walks inside. I turn to face him. “Yeah, my mind right now is blank. For now, I won’t think about anything anyway. I had decided to go without a mate. Let’s just meet this girl” I inform him. “Good that you have come to terms with it” he gives me an approving nod. Today I have worn my white shirt and black pants with black blazer and formal shoes to go with it. Once I was done, I used some scent and then both of us go downstairs. Mom and dad were already waiting in the living room. Granddad ace also walked out and ready to go. “All ready?” asks mom as she looks from me to dad. We nod in affirmation then she walks near me. “And what about you son?” she asks in a soft tone. I take her hand in mine and give it a gentle squeeze “Mom, I don’t want to disappoint you or dad. Whatever decision both of you have made for me, I know it won’t be wrong” I assure her. She palms my cheeks “I am glad to hear that son. I and your dad were not disappointed by you. Both of us understand you and your fears. We also understand why you took such decision” she says to me. “Thanks mom. I just want to let you know that I trust your choice” I murmured to her. She gave me a soft smile “It is good to know son. Maybe something good might come out of this” she say. I shrugged my shoulder and reply “Only time will tell mom” She nodded at me in agreement. “Very well. Shall we leave now?” she asks to no one in particular. “Yeah, we must leave now. King Dominic’s assistant Jeffery did call me for the confirmation of our visit” dad inform us. After that all four of us walked outside. The cars were already ready. Mom and dad were coming in one car. Granddad Ace and grandpa Reece were taking another car and I was taking mine. My grandma Rochelle was not well. So, she decided to stay back. Grandpa had come yesterday to our pack itself. We got in our cars and soon we were on the way towards Campbell castle. My mind had too many what ifs. I did not want to think too much about it. So, I listened to some music while driving. We reached after half an hour ride. The gates open and I drive the car inside. As I was driving, a car was passing by us. A whiff of scent passed through my nose and my eyes widened as my wolf started howling inside my head. ‘Mate’ it chanted.
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