Ch 12

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Isabella’s POV “Bella was that really necessary?” asks Odin once we were in my room. All throughout the lunch, he did not say anything. I knew he would bring it up later on. “Well, she had it coming. She never cared for anyone except for herself. Mom and dad always supported her. Look how stubborn she has become now” I say. “I know you don’t get along with her. But you have returned to the family after such a long time, they deserve your happiness. Don’t let your anger take that away from you” he advised me. Giving him a nod, I reply “I will keep that mind. Letting out a sigh, I continued “It is just that whenever I see her, all the old memories return back. I get upset. Mom and dad supported all her wrong doings so much that she took it for granted. She acts however she wants. How is that fair?” I ask him in frustration. He places his hand on mine and squeezed it in a comforting manner. “It is not fair to you. But to show her, you cannot let your parents see you in the wrong light. You will get their anger where as she gets the smiles” he pointed. I tried to understand him. “It is because they don’t see the difference between me and Nina. They give her the benefit of doubt whereas I don’t get anything” I mumbled. “That is because they know you are elder and the sensible one. Maybe they thought that you would understand better” he says to me. I shrugged my shoulder in reply “It could be that but ignoring me, was that right?” I asked him. “They did not see how the servants mocked me. Both of them were not present when I felt lonely or left out in their little family” I say to him. I continued further on “It was only Gabriel who understood but Nina always took his attention away from me. At the end, he is to give me an apologetic look and start playing with her” I say. “They were not there when the servants who should respect me, mocked me and they ignored me. My parents did not care for me the way they did for Gabriel or Nina. How can I forget all that has happened?” I ask him. “It is not easy I understand. But it has also been five long years. You should move on. Remembering the past will only hurt you” he whispered in a soft tone. I looked away from his gaze. There were so many things going on in my mind, but I understand what he was trying to say. I know if I want to be happy, I have to let go of the past. My happiness is important to me more than my anger towards them. I turn to face Odin “I will try. There are so many emotions involved. My anger, sadness everything is related to them. For my sake, I will try to move on” I say to him. A smile broke on to his lips as he pulled me in for a hug. Chuckling, I move back “Only the thing is, that they should accept the new me. I am not the same princess I was before. I am rebellious. All this time, I had my freedom. They will have some rules which I might not follow. They need to accept that” I say. He gives me an understanding nod “Fair enough. They need to accept you, the way you are” “Thanks. So, are you staying today?” I ask him.  He shook his head at me “No, I need to leave” “Oh, are you coming tomorrow?” I ask him. “I most probably won’t. Don’t worry Gabriel is here for you” He assures me seeing the nervousness on my face. I took a deep breath and calmed my nerves. “I have yet to face grandma” I murmured. “She is very upset with me, I am sure” I say. “Don’t stress on it. She will come to terms with it” his soft voice gave me hope. “I hope so” I whispered. “Now, I will be leaving. I will try to come as soon as possible” he says to me. I give him a grateful look. “Thanks. I appreciate it” I say. I bid him bye with a heavy heart. At least I have Gabriel. Things are going to be awkward as it has been so many years. So many things have changed in me. I don’t know how everything will be here after. I get fresh. I had not brought any of my clothes from my apartment. I have to go back and get all my stuff. For now, I was dead tired after the long hours of the journey. I decided to get fresh and rest for some time.  I was about to go to the washroom when there was knock on the door. I crossed the living room and opened the door to find a maid. I raised my eyebrows at her in silent question. “Your royal highness, princess Isabella. Her majesty the queen has sent these clothes for you” the maid informs me. I moved aside and let her step in with trolley of the clothes. After that she curtseyed and walked out of the room. I closed the door and look through the clothes. All of them were gowns, something which I don’t wear anymore. I have got used to this casual clothing that I have forgotten all about ball gowns. They will soon get to my taste in food and in clothing as well. I just need to be patience. I got fresh and removed the jacket I was wearing. I am scared to meet grand ma. She was always close to me. Most of the vacations, I spent it with her. Only those were the days, I was happy. Gabriel sometimes accompanied me. I can’t wait to see her. I know she will be angry and upset for some time but I will convince her. When I left the palace back then, I know that I would disappoint her but at that time everything took a toll on me. All I felt is wanted to go far away from the castle and nothing else. What I have done is done. I will apologize to her. I am only hoping she won’t stay angry for too long. That is my hope. Maxwell’s POV I was currently in my office going through some files. Next week I and my Delta will be going to other packs. Our Alliances are not working according to our rules. We need to take a meeting. After the regular attacks at blood stone pack, we have increased the security for both the packs. “Hey, I have got the files on the rogues who have been outcasted from their packs” says Louis as he enters the room. I take it from him. “There is total fifty-six rogues from different packs. They were thrown out for attacking unnecessarily or for stealing from the pack. Some were vile creatures and list goes on” he explained. “Ask Delta Sean and some of the pack warriors to check the nearby areas. Look for any suspicious acts on the boundaries” I order him. “I will inform them just now” he says. With that I watch his eyes stay unfocused as he mind links Sean and the warriors. “There is also a Midnight pack on the fourth wing of our pack lands. I have asked Sean to get the information. I will give you the file once I get it” he informs him. I give him a nod. “So, I have heard that the king and queen found a girl for you” he says with a teasing glint in his eyes. I roll my eyes at him and ignore him. “You are avoiding the topic I see” he states. I keep the file aside and glare at him “Don’t you have work to do?” my tone came out hard. “Why so angry?” he asks as he leans back on his chair. “I am not angry” I muttered to him. He tilts his chin in my direction “and I am cross eyed” he states sarcastically. Louis being my best friend, knows when I am lying or I am in stress. “Its just that all of sudden they found a girl and now wants me to marry her. Even though I had requested them to first let me find a girl on my own” I say to him. “Well, you had it coming for you” he states without beating around the bush. He was too straight forward but that was the quality I liked most about him.  “I know” I let out a groan. “So, when are you going to meet the would-be girl?” “Don’t remind me. I have no other choice. do I?”. “You don’t have a choice. You brough this upon yourself” he says to me.  “Yeah, after I made the decision of not finding my mate, they had to drop this upon me” I mumbled. “Don’t worry bro. Maybe something good comes from this” he says to me. “I hope so bro. Now that everything is clear and out in the open, it will happen with how the moon goddess had planned” I looked out of the window. “Do you want to go for a run?” he asks to me. “Yeah. A run will get things off my mind for a while” I nodded as I kept the files in the drawer and locked it. Once I had put everything away, I walked out of the office door. Louis walked from beside me. We walked out in the backyard. I breathed in the fresh air of the deep woods. “Ready for run?” he asks with a teasing smirk on his face. “Are we going to race?” I ask him with a tilt of my chin. “Of course. Why do you think I suggested it in the first place?” he raised his eyebrows at me. “Fine. Let’s go” with that both of us sprinted deep in the woods. The afternoon breeze which was warn washed through my fur. I ran faster jumping up from the small and lover branches. My paws hitting the ground. I felt the stress leaving my body, the faster I ran. I could feel Louis just behind as he tried to keep up with my speed. We were equals in many things but racing is something I enjoyed. My fur moved with the fast breeze. Once reaching the lake, I wait for Louis. He reaches me after few seconds. We both were panting hard. We were thirsty so we drank from the clear stream which was passing by. “I feeling hot. Let’s have a dip in the lake” I say. Without waiting for his reply, I shifted mid-way into human form and jumped in the lake. Louis also jumped after me. Both of us swim for a while and take a few laps in the lake. It somewhat felt refreshing. “Did it help?” asks Louis once we sat near the lake in our pants only. We were bare from the waist to up. I give him a nod at that. “Even if it was for an hour, the run and swim did divert my mind and the stress also has reduced now”. “I am glad to hear that” he gives me a nod. “Now that you have made a decision on your own, I believe you should be ready to face it on your own. All you have to hope is that the future will be brighter” he says to me. “Yeah, but I am scared. What if my decisions prove to be wrong?” I ask with fear in my voice. He pats me on my shoulder in way of support “live it all in the hand of the destiny bro. Now that the decision is made, don’t fear it or second guess your thoughts” he says to me. Giving him a nod, I reply “You are right. I will live it all in the hands of moon goddess and I will face it situation when the time comes. For now, I will just go with the flow” he gives me a smile. “I am glad to hear that. Now shall we go back to the pack?” he asks. “Yeah, let’s go. I have work to do” I say and get up. He gives me a nod. With that we shifted once again in our wolf form and ran towards the pack house. We reached there after some time. I go and change into fresh clothes and then I was back in the office. For the next one hour, I completed all the pending works, checked the accounts and details. After sometime, dad linked me to meet him at his office. As my work was done, I walked towards his offices and knocked. Once he bid me entry, I entered inside. Mom was also present. “Hello mom and dad” I greet them. They greet me back with the smile. “We have news for you” says dad in a serious tone. I wait for him to explain. “King Dominic has invited us tomorrow. Be ready” he says to me.  I let out a breath and nod at them. It was finally time to face my decision.
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