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Leslie woke up and found herself in her room. The gaping hole she felt in her heart was a reminder of what had happened the previous night. “I don't believe it”, She rubbed at her chest weakly, exhausted from the pain and tears. “It was my fault,” she blamed herself. “If only I hadn't pushed him, if only I hadn't tried to help” she sobbed out “I didn't trust him enough.” A loud bang on the door startled Leslie. She turned to her door as two guards barged in, breaking down her door. “There she is, take her!” Two guards grabbed Leslie with great force and dragged her out of the room. Disoriented and still weakened, she was brought to the central hall without putting up a fight. They tossed her to the ground. Standing to her feet, she looked around. Alpha Sam was seated beside Bluemoon pack’s alpha, Dante Bloom, his eyes fixed on her already. “So, this is the wolf that tried to poison my daughter.” Leslie felt her heart skip a beat “What do you mean?” A group of guards entered the hall and placed a bottle before them “This was found in her wardrobe. It is the same substance used.” one of them said. Leslie looked at the strange bottle and shook her head, “No, I don't know what that is. I don't understand. What's going on?” Alpha Sam stepped forward and stared Leslie down. It took about four seconds before Leslie felt the weight of the stare and looked down on the floor. “Leslie, did you really try to poison the future Luna, Sarah Bloom, out of jealousy?” he asked. “No! Never! Why–” Suddenly, Sarah and Jackson walked in, with Sarah clinging to Jackson and wiping away imaginary tears. Alpha Dante's voice interrupted her thoughts, “Would you believe the words of a slave over my precious daughter, Alpha Sam?” he asked. “I would never” he answered “But I didn't” Leslie pleaded “you have to believe me!” “Liar!” Sarah claimed “you approached me last night and said Jackson was yours and I would pay. I didn't think anything of it until..” she sobbed, “until my maid came in and said tea had been left for me. She drank it before I did and ended up dying.” “That's a lie!” Leslie shouted “Quiet! Alpha Sam commanded. “No, last night I was–” she glanced at Jackson and wondered if she should bring up the rejection, the memory of it, still a fresh pain in her mind and heart. She didn't want to put Jackson in trouble. “I went to my room after cleaning up in the Alpha's quarters, with other slaves” she pleaded. She suspected that Alpha Sam knew about the rejection so she hoped he would protect her. “What are you going to do, Alpha Sam? Isn't this the she-wolf that's obsessed with your son?” Alpha Dante asked. Alpha Sam looked puzzled at that question. “Take her into the prison rooms. Her punishment will be decided after the meeting has concluded” “Is this how you punish a wolf after plotting treason? Alpha Dante asked “You must have a soft spot for the wolf you brought in. No wonder your pack is falling to the bottom constantly”. Alpha Sam’s face became a mask of fury. “This is because we don't need any distractions.” Jackson stepped in. “The meeting and plans we have to discuss are more important than this” Leslie felt her nerves calm down at Jackson’s statement. He was going to protect her, she thought. “My daughter's safety is more important.” Alpha Dante declared “No daughter of mine will stay in a pack with a criminal who wants her dead”. He turned to Jackson “Sentence her to death. Only then will I be at ease”. Leslie stopped breathing for a moment. Alpha Sam sighed deeply, “You heard him. Do it, son” Leslie couldn't believe her ears. Death? For what? She didn't do anything. Jackson turned to her, with no remorse in his eyes “Jack…” she gulped, her body shaking in fear. “You are hereby sentenced to death by wolf untying before the end of the day” Jackson stated firmly. Leslie fell to her knees, “I didn't do it, please,” She crawled towards Jackson, “you know me, I would never do that. Believe me, Jackson, please” she cried. Alpha Sam nodded to the guards. They lifted her roughly and carried her into the prison rooms, locking her in. “This isn't real. This isn't real” Leslie muttered to herself over and over again. She wrapped her arms around herself and began rocking herself as she sat on the floor. After what seemed like hours had passed, Leslie finally accepted her new reality. “I can't die like this.” She felt anger arise from deep within her “I’m innocent.” Leslie clenched her fist, fiery determination sprang up in her heart. “I'll prove it!” “My own mate condemned me to death”. She laughed bitterly,“In the worst way possible.” Wolf untying was a special skill developed by pack executioners. They used their ability to separate a wolf spirit from the human side. The person always died because of the separation. After she found her mate, she noticed she began to change. She had become more resistant to the alpha stare, even though it lasted for a few seconds. Only, a fellow alpha or very strong beta could resist an alpha stare. Also, she could transform her fingers into claws. This was the reason she was sure she could become a warrior. “I was going to surprise him,” she murmured. “What a joke” she wiped off the tears that sprang up as she recalled her past plans. She closed her eyes and began absorbing the moonlight energy. The prison bars were coated with silver, which was harmful to werewolves. She touched them and broke them open. Gasping in shock, she studied her hands, surprised that she felt no burning sensation. She would die, but not today, she thought. Immediately, she found her way out. It was as though the goddess was on her side, there were no guards in sight. She ran towards the pack borders instead. Close to the border, she heard shouts and howls. “They know!” She whispered. They must have noticed her escape, she thought. “Leslie!” She heard a booming voice and stopped running. “Die honourably for your pack! Or be forever branded as a traitor!” It was Alpha Sam’s second in command. “You can't escape your fate!” he continued. “No, but I can change it” she muttered to herself. She picked up the pace, jumping over branches as she ran. Her muscles were cramping up, her stomach growling but she ignored it all, adrenaline pumping in her veins. She drew strength from the moonlight and ran, her life depended on it. “Over there!” She heard, “Get her!”
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