Chapter Seven:

2014 Words

Mitch’s POV: The first thing that greets my eyes as I step off the bus, is the reflective surface of the monstrous building in front of me. It seems to just smudge into the sky, as the glass windows mirror the blue ribbons of the sky. I amble across the sidewalk, watching as the sun glimmers against the building that boasts “Hunan Enterprise” on a large sign. “Hello sir, how may I help ya?” A large-busted, blonde-haired lady asks from behind the silver counter. She is wearing a bright red dress and is hardly covering the enormous breasts popping from her shirt. I didn’t know that orange was a complexion, but alright. “Hi, I am here for Gabriella.” I say. The woman is still checking me out and I can feel her stares burning holes into my pants with each prolonged blink of the eyelash.

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