Chapter Six:

2069 Words

Mitch’s POV: “No. This was a mistake. I am sorry I got you involved. This was a mistake.” “No. This was a mistake. I am sorry I got you involved. This was a mistake.” “No. This was a mistake. I am sorry I got you involved. This was a mistake.” I can still her voice echoing these words in my mind over and over again, as she ran away from me barely even giving me a second glance. It felt like every fiber of my being shattered in those three, short sentences. My lips still have her lavender scent on them, but how could things have turned sour so quickly? I rub my eyes, forcing them to open and blinking a few times. My feet are hanging off the tiny, single bed in my apartment. The sheer, white curtain on the opposite wall in the kitchen is allowing the blinding streams of sun to gree

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