Chapter Seventeen:

2032 Words

Mitch’s POV: Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I would not only be able to divulge who I truly am to Gabriella without some sort of crazy break-down, but also convince her to leave on a holiday with me. Alas, here I am sitting on a train heading to who knows where and my mate is smiling as her hair softly blows against the small gap in the window. I watch as her dark strands wave in freedom, almost as if wishing her old life goodbye and her eyes stare out into the green and gold hills with a new sense of happiness. Even against the fading bruises of her skin, does the light shine brighter and prouder. My chest swells a little at how this little human has captured my every essence. “Penny for your thought?” Gabriella breathes, her eyes shining in dark joy as the sun hit

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