Call Me Caleb

1160 Words
"So am sorry that I have to keep you in these casts longer than you might like. But be assured that everything is ok. You will be able to be up on your feet in a couple of days. Your scans are great and all the tests show that you are doing fine. You will be free to go home soon" her doctor concludes. "Really?" "Yes" Layla is happy with the news. At least she has something to look forward to already. She was worried some of the test results might keep her here longer. She watches Dr. Young as he goes on giving her the status of her health. He is standing right in front of her and she can't help but stare at the well spoken individual. Every now and then she forgets about listening to him and just day dreams about him. She hasn't been able to erase that picture perfect family ever since she woke up and having him in front of her isn't helping either. When he is done he comes round to her side and sits on a chair that is next to her bed. "Now you can fire away." "Hmmm?" She is confused by his words and his close proximity has her not focussing at all. "I promised to answer your questions didn't I?" "Oh yeah right." She takes a moment to choose which question to start with. "How long have I been here?" "That would be ninety days, ten and a half hours and fifty five seconds." He smiles looking up from his watch." "Really?" Her heart drops a bit. She can't believe she has missed three months of her life. "And before you go on feeling bad about how long it's been don't forget that you being here right now is nothing short of a miracle." She just nods and forces a smile. "Layla..three months is nothing compared to losing your life altogether." She looks up at him. Not many people are able to tell what she is really thinking and yet this person she just met can clearly tell how she feels in her state. "I guess you are right." She sighs. "I am your doctor, I am right." He wiggles his eyebrows at her and she bursts out laughing. "Much better" She finds him looking at her and her laughter dies down when she becomes uneasy under his gaze. "So how many people have been to see me and are you the only hospital staff that has been attending to me?" "What kind of question is that?" He pulls a funny face at her. "I don't know, it's something I want to know." She shrugs. He looks at her thoughtfully and for a moment she thinks he might not answer. "I don't know the exact number but just on the staff we have about three nurses to cover the three shifts. There have been a couple of friends and family to see you too including your fiancèe." "Oh ok." She looks away from him when he mentions Simon. She doesn't even understand why it feels old for him to mention him. "May I know why you asked?" "I don't know. Maybe because you were the only person that I was able to hear all this time." "What?" He looks at her wide eyed obviously surprised. "Really?" "Yeah, it was only you and the darkness. So thank you very much for keeping me company" now she is looking up at him. He seems to be smiling and she is glad he doesn't think she is crazy or something. "Well you are welcome. I would do it again, not that am wishing for you to go into a coma again." He scratches his head. " I have heard many things from my patients that have woken up from their coma but this is a first. I wish I had an explanation for it" "That place is weird" she admits and laughs nervously. "Its like an uncharted territory with its own mysteries." He adds. "Dr. Young?" "Yes?" "Do you think dreams come true?" She didn't plan on asking that but she can't help it. It's been pressing on her heart and her mouth just kind of let it out. He turns to her and holds her gaze and this time she is brave enough to hold his as well. He looks at her for a moment as she patiently waits to hear his answer. "Why do you ask?" There is a slight smile on his lips that makes Layla smile too. "I don't know, maybe because I spent my entire time in there dreaming" she answers him honestly. "I see.." "Well?" She looks at him expectantly. "Am no expert on the subject but I believe if you want something so bad you end up dreaming about it you can have it if you work on it" "Smart" she smiles at him and he just laughs. "So what is it that you have been dreaming about?" She looks at him thoughtfully before answering. "Something that I have always wanted or needed." She looks down on the hospital bed avoiding him. They stay in comfortable silence for a moment after her answer. "My mother used to say dreams do come true if you believe. So maybe just have a little faith Miss Jones?" He looks at her with amusement. "Yeah right" her smile breaks out effortlessly. "And please just call me Layla." "I will if you will drop the Dr. and just call me Caleb." "Isn't there like a professional rule against that?" She asks surprised. "Not if the patient is about to be my friend." "Oh? I am?" "Yes" "And what makes you so sure?" "Just a hunch." "I will think about it then." She giggles under her breath. "Well then we'll have to see what you decide." His playful behaviour makes her laugh. "Alright." "I will see you later then?" "Yeah sure." She waves him away. And as soon as he walks out Mavis comes back in. "Mavis..It's really so good to see you again." "You too Miss Layla." "Good man that one?" "What...who?" "That Dr. Young." "Oh, why do you say that?" "He is just so dedicated to his job." "I see." "And he has been here by your side everyday to check on you even when he is off duty." "He did that?" "Yes, he said he wanted to keep you company." Mavis laughs. "Some days he would be too tired he would doze off right here. Poor boy works too hard." Layla is stunned by Mavis's revelation and she doesn't know what to make of it. But she can't keep herself from smiling too. She thinks back to the conversation she just had with him. The thought of being friends with him warms her heart. She never made friends easily so an offer makes it easier for her too. In her head she speaks his name. "Dr. Young" "Caleb...."
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