Her Or Nothing

1420 Words
"Let's go." Caleb scrunches his nose when Layla just zooms passed him without so much as a conversation. She has had a change of clothes but the bitter look on her face keeps him from noticing how the new clothes fit her. It takes him a moment to realize that something is wrong. She is far from the girl that walked into the closet a moment ago and he wonders what could have happened. "Hey.." He follows her out of the bedroom and into the hallway but he finds it empty. "Damn it, how fast can she be?" He curses as he trots a little down the hallway. "Layla!" He calls out when he thinks his legs won't carry him fast enough but he is met with silence. "What the....Layla?" He panics when he thinks she may have left the house altogether. He rushes to check the the door leading outside but when he finds it still locked he relaxes a bit. If the door is locked then she is definitely still is the house. He wonders where she could be and the sound of a door closing in the kitchen let's him know where she is exactly. He walks in there and finds her just when she is about to sit down. And damn his eyes for finding her so beautiful in those pairs of jeans and top. Its a relaxed look but she looks beautiful regardless. She looks pissed off but instead of being concerned Caleb finds her extremely irresistible. He is used to seeing her soft side which he loves with no doubt but this side of her just made the beast in him stir from deep within. He pushes his hands in his pockets and leans on the door frame to keep himself from reaching out to her which he so badly wants to do. He stays rooted on that spot and decides to admire her from there. It's obviously a delicate situation but he finds her cute too. "You are beautiful." He tries to break the silence that is surrounding them but she just looks at him and goes back to focussing on the fruit in her hand that she is probably not even eating. "Hey...what's wrong?" He gets to the point when he realizes she is in no mood for his charm. "Who is she?" "She who?" Her question surprises him. He has absolutely no idea who she means. "I bumped into someone in the closet." "Bumped into someone?" He frowns at her knowing its only him and her in the entire house but his eyes widen when he realizes what she means. "Uh...you weren't supposed to see that." He clenches his teeth as he slaps himself mentally for not remembering to put that box away. It's been a while since he has had a look at that part of his life. "Who is she?" She finally looks up at him and his heart sinks when he notices her earlier pissed off face replaced by a rather sad one. "She is no one." He knows that is not much of an answer but it's the only one he can give her now. "Really?" Her voice is laced with sarcasm this time and he doesn't like it. "Yes." She scowls at him after his answer before getting up and walking towards him. He bites his lips when his eyes fall on her very perfect body in those slacks and he is completely distracted. "You don't promise to love no one." The hurt in her voice snaps him out of his daze. "Layla..." He quickly holds her back as she is about to pass by his side and they both stay trapped in the doorway. "She is no one." He repeats himself but she just scoffs still wanting to escape his hold. "Any way it's non of my business, am probably no one too." "Damn it Layla!" He growls and he sees her flinch. Those words feel like they just scraped his very soul making him clench his fists so tightly he almost digs his nails into his flesh. "You are not no one!" He looks right into her eyes as he says that. It upsets him to think she would consider herself as no one to him. And when he is met with a look that obviously doesn't believe him one bit he draws closer to her and he feels her try to wiggle out of his hold but he is not having it. He places his arms on both her sides and traps her in front of him. His doctor self can see just how much doubt she has in those eyes and yet he doesn't know how to make her understand that she is his world without having to explain himself. The thought of being counted as one of the unreliable people in her life is also gnawing at him. He would hate for her to think he was just another Simon out to use her but no matter how important that is he can't bring himself to talk about what she wants to know. He won't even allow his own mind to dwell on that particular subject. He hasn't done it in so long and definitely doesn't want to do it now. "Please..." He is tempted to press himself on her but he fights the urge to get closer than he already is. Their breathing is erratic as they both face each other with their lips just inches apart. "You are not no one." He whispers to her with all the conviction he can master and he hopes she gets it. "You could never be no one to me because...." Sparks fly throughout his body when she presses her finger on his lips keeping him from finishing his sentence. "Am sorry..." Her action surprises him and he looks at her confused and she just smiles making his heart skip a beat. "It's probably none of my business...and I mean that in a good way." She quickly adds when she obviously sees his sour look. "It's ok if you don't want to talk about it, about her. I understand. It's probably my mistake for invading your privacy." "Hey.." He takes her hands in his and holds them to his lips. Her warmth on his lips leave some tiny shivers there making him smile. If only the woman he is holding captive knew just how much even a simple action like that makes him feel. If only she knew how much he wants to make her his in every sense of the word. How much he wants to share his entire world with her. "I would never think you are invading my privacy, ever." He cups her cheeks and when she leans into his touch his heart flutters. "Layla..." He lifts her chin up and she looks up at him. Her beautiful eyes are still as mesmerising as the first day he gazed into them and just like that day he still wants to be lost in them not once and definitely not twice but over and over again. He wants her, he has wanted her for so long it's beginning to hurt. He hasn't felt so much for one single person and yet here she is making him fall so deeply he doesn't want to be lifted out. It's her or nothing and maybe it's time she knew it too. "Layla...I.." "Tell me another time." Her sudden hug surprises him and all he can do is hug her back. With both her arms around his neck he snakes his around her waist and he doesn't miss the sparks that fly like fireworks lighting up the dark skies. "Please tell me another time." She whispers to him and her pleas make him hold on tight as her voice sends shivers through him. "Why?" "Just...please tell me another time." This is not what he wanted but her shaky voice tells him it might not be the right time. He stays quite for a moment before he pulls back and makes her face him. "On one condition..." "What?" He can tell she is nervous but he has to do this for his and her sake. "I won't say it but on one condition." "Okay?" "You don't stop me next time." It's the only card he can play now knowing she might get cold feet again. "But..." "Layla..." "Okay.." He breaks out in a smile before pulling her in for one more hug. "Now we can go." 
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