
1535 Words
"Mom?" "Is that you?" A smile breaks out on Layla's face when she beholds the beautiful woman standing before her. She is putting on one of her favourite flared dresses that always made her look like an angel. Her heart fills with so much joy when the woman nods and she squeals in excitement while she moves to give her mother a hug but before she can get to her the woman turns and starts walking away. Layla stops and frowns wondering where her mother is going. "Mom..." She calls out but the woman just keeps walking away not even bothering to look back. Layla's heart aches but she decides to follow her. She just wants to be with her, to feel her warm hug again but no matter how much she tries to get to her the distance between them keeps getting wider making her panic. "Not again...Mom!" She screams louder but just like before her mother's figure keeps retreating into the darkness. Layla keeps following but she soon realizes she will not get to her and that thought makes her panic even more and she starts calling and shouting for her mother to wait for her but her mother just keeps going and fading into the darkness. "Mom!" She cries out. "Layla, Layla!" Her own name being called out with urgency makes her open her eyes and she finds Caleb looking at her with worry. Tears drop from her eyes when Caleb's face makes her realize that it was all just a dream. Once again it's just one more dream that reminds her she's still alone. "Hey it's just a dream." His hands come to her face to wipe away her tears and he pulls her in for a hug. "But she was there." She shakes her head in disbelief while she holds on to him. "Am sorry" Caleb holds her tighter and she loves the comfort of his embrace. With eyes closed she relaxes into him and she calms down a little. "Tell you what, let's get you out of here and get you some air." Caleb holds her at arms length with a smile on his lips. "I...I don't know." She replies while looking around. It's still early in the morning and after her dream she doesn't really feel like going anywhere. The dreams are becoming more frequent now and she wonders if it's because she just misses her mother or there is something more. And she can't bring herself to tell Caleb that, as it will just worry him. "Is that what I think it is?" Her eyes light up when she spots a big glass of a shake on a tray. It's even got her favourite toppings on it making her mouth water. This is her weakness no matter what time it is and right now is like the perfect timing. Something to get her mind off of her dream. "May I?" She's off the bed before he can even say yes but stops right before she picks it up and faces him. "It's mine right?" She bites her lips making him laugh. No doubt she must seem too excited at the moment. This just erased her dull mood. "Yes it is. I thought you might like one so I made you one." Before he can even finish his sentence her hands are on the glass. "Oh my God! I could kiss you for this." Layla exclaims after tasting the cold drink not caring that its still cold outside. She moans when the taste of the shake spreads all across her mouth. This is bliss.. "Then why don't you?" "Don't what?" She asks unaware of Caleb's gaze on her. "Kiss me?" His words make her choke on her drink and she coughs intensely. Caleb is by her side in a blink of an eye but she holds her hand up telling him she is fine. "What are you trying to do, kill me?" She croacks out as a smile finally forms on her face. "Don't even joke about that." His serious tone surprises her and she gets closer to him cupping his face. "Hey no need to be all serious. Am fine now." Her eyes search his before she leans in and places a feather light kiss on his cheek. For a moment she regrets that action as fireworks shoot out of her making her take her hand back. It's a simple action but it feels so grave to her and she moves back quickly afraid he will see how nervous all that made her. "Thank you for the shake. It's the best I have tasted." She moves back some more but Caleb pulls her back and looks at her as if he wants to say something. Her heart skips a beat when instead of words his eyes drop to her lips as he licks his own. Suddenly she feels like smacking her own mouth for her comment because right now she has no idea what she will do if he decides to kiss her. God knows she wouldn't be able to resist him if he did. "You are welcome." His voice is barely a whisper as he clears his throat breaking their little moment. "...let's uh.... just go." "Where to?" Layla feels a wave of relief and she welcomes the change of topic. "First to get you changed then out." "Uh..there is one little problem with that." "Yes?" "I don't have my clothes with me?" "Not any more." He drags her towards his closet and when he opens the door her eyes land on a closet full of clothes which are definitely female and definitely not hers. "Now you can get changed." He looks at her with a grin but she just frowns at him. "How is it that you have all these clothes in here." Her heart aches a little at the possibility of him having another girl over. "Well as much as I love seeing you in mine, I thought you might want some that you can call yours." He stands back with his hands in his pockets and she blushes at his comment. She can't deny that she also loves his clothes. They kind of make her feel like he is hugging her all the time something she wouldn't mind having everyday. "Oh...You didn't have to." She feels a wave of guilt and relief at the same time when he says that. There may be nothing concrete between them but she feels all possessive over him and she already knows another Simon scenario would break her. "Yes I did. Now get changed before we are late." He pushes her towards the closet before she can protest. She tries to shake all the grim thoughts away as she gets into the closet. Once in there she takes a look through the clothes and her eyes widen at how many they are. This is definitely too much besides she would have preferred to just pick hers from Simon's. Simon... She wonders how she will be able to pick her things from his place. "One thing at a time Layla." She walks further in the closet trying to pick something to wear but she bumps into a box and it's contents spill out. "Clumsy me." She mumbles as she bends down to pick the many photos that are now on the floor. Regret fills her immediately after picking the first one. There are two smiling faces that are holding on to each other looking like the entire world didn't exist for them. One of the smiles is one she has come to love and the other belongs to someone she thinks is a very beautiful woman. She wonders who she is to him even though going by what she is seeing that is very clear. With trembling hands she goes through a couple of them and the sight doesn't get any better. There is so much love in those frames one couldn't miss it. Her heart sinks even though she can clearly tell the photos are not recent, but just the fact that they are here tucked away safely leaves her with a bitter taste in her mouth. She decides to put them back when one falls back down and reveals some writing behind it. "Always and forever baby." Her throat tightens instantly and her heart aches more. She wonders where that leaves her. It's not like he has committed to anything but his actions towards her haven't been innocent either. She feels like it's the Simon scenario all over again but this time it's feels worse because Caleb made her believe and acted like she was his everything. She takes in a long shaky breath before packing up everything. After her dream earlier and now this discovery, maybe today was just meant to be sour. She even gives up on looking for something perfect to wear and just grabs the closest thing she finds and puts it on. The moment she walks out she finds him waiting with a smile but her bitter mood doesn't even allow her to smile back. "Let's go." Is all she says as she walks past him and out of the bedroom.
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