Last Day

1015 Words

Lana's POV It's been a week and I just came from my doctor's appointment. I can have s^x again and try for another baby should I wish to try. But that won't happen. I want to focus on what needs my attention and that includes going back to Seattle tomorrow with my mother to focus on university further while Arden finalizes things here in New York. He got a few jobs at a couple of colleges and high schools in Seattle and my mother helped, because of Ademia, to put a good word in for him. He has to choose which one he really wants to teach. He can't make up his mind because all of them are great. I walked out of the coffee shop with a polystyrene cup of coffee in my hand. It was a cold day today. I had on a black jacket, black skinny jeans and high-heeled boots. My bag is draped over one

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