Meeting with Lucinda

1530 Words

Arden's POV I was worried about Lana when she had her nightmare last night. Her reaction thereafter was what almost shattered me to see her like that because of my father. I was happy that she wasn't in that state for very long. Today I have to see Lucinda. There is a court appearance tomorrow and this is something that will be difficult because it requires Lana to be there too. I took a sip of my coffee as I walked around the kitchen counter, "Good morning," Lana said. She was in her black skinny jeans, a white blouse and a black jacket, with her handbag. Her hair was loose. She was still asleep after I showered and got dressed. "Good morning," I said. She seemed better compared to last night. "I am meeting with my mother for breakfast, as you know," she said. I took another sip of

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