Getting Cynthia

1107 Words

Lana's POV My mother drove me to the Heat Club. I had never been here before. My mother and I spoke some more and it was pleasant. She will be staying in the hotel. Arden was standing with Cynthia at the entrance of the club. The entrance was cornered off with tape. There were cops. My brows furrowed. I approached them as Cynthia was wiping away her tears. "What is going on?" I asked. "Your boyfriend arrested his father," Cynthia said with anger. I looked at Arden, his jaw clenching as he watched Cynthia walk towards the parking lot. "Arden?" I said. "I got my father arrested for everything. For what he did to Lucinda and to you. I received evidence from my uncle and it was disturbing. I wanted to kill him, but I cannot be in prison and leave you," he said as he took in a breath.

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