The Heat Club

1045 Words

Arden's POV I went to my father's company. He wasn't there. I went to his house but he wasn't there either. I was still fuming with anger at him. But I went straight to the police and I gave them all the evidence. This is what he deserves. They are looking into it and I won't be surprised if they arrest him today. That should be enough evidence to get him behind bars. I went to the club, my father's s^x club. I am disgusted with that place. He used the money for this sick place that my mother left for Miranda and I. The music is blaring with red lights flickering around. Half-naked women are dancing on poles and they are dancing on men's laps. I shook my head in disgust. I walked towards the stairs to the second floor, which would take me to my father's office. "Arden is that you?" I

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